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How are you doing my beautiful people?
I had a great weekned.

Last week didn't go as planed... The Jubilee pic ran away from me. The fun idea to frame it in a crowded time square ultimately is to blame here. It took way longer than expected and all I had in term of creative juice. There are so many elements in the background that you can barely see, either because of the blurring effect, or because I placed something else in front of it. It often felt like a waste of time. But I learned a long time ago that, if you want to make your blur look good, you need to draw it good first. Otherwise, it will look like the cheap paint job it is. So for a pic like that (something hard to plan), I start with the farther back stuff and add new elements layer after layer. I usually end up drawing the whole thing and not just what's going to be showed in the final product, which allow me to slide things around in the end to make the best pic possible, but take more time.

Anyways... Once completed, I was empty. I ended up taking Friday and Saturday off. I rarely take more than a day off, since I tend to get bored easily. But it went as a flash this time around.

This week.

First, I need to finalize my script. That was planed for last week, but I never got to it. That said I had a great conversation with Ferawyn, and I basically know what to do now. So I'll put it down on paper today. Tomorrow, I'll start laying out the new pages. It's usually a 2/3 day job, which mean that in order to deliver something to you guys, I should finish the week with a SIMPLE pin-up ( I'll try anyway). I'll keep it for the end of the week in order to be sure that if I get carried away again, it won't affect the script/layout phase this time around.

And on Thursday night, I'm going to see "The Empire Strip Back". A great Burlesque show I saw a few years ago and was offered a ticket to, two weeks ago. This is going to be a fun night.

That's it for now.
See you guys soon!


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