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So, this is a fun post to make.

As of a couple weeks ago, I was laid off from my job. Though this initially resulted in a rebellious stint of productivity, once reality set in I basically spent a straight week sitting around pretty depressed about it.

I'm out of time for that, though.

I'm doing what I'm supposed to on my end, but in the meantime this whole Ketirz thing is going to be getting a fair bit more attention than usual. I'm working on a schedule, though it may well vary from week to week, I'm not sure yet. I'm looking to revive my animation work and pursue more interesting projects alongside far more frequent backer streams for my supporters.  More regular Hare Moon? Scratches?? We'll see how it all goes!

It's exciting, but also pretty scary at the same time. I'm looking for stable work, but I'd love if this could become stable in itself. I guess it's a bit do or die at the moment.

Here's a complete run down of what I'm presently focused on:

  • Witches' Thralls will continue to update and get concept work. I might come back to Encyclopedia Karna entries for subjects relevant to the story as we go. I've been inspired somewhat of late, though maybe not on the kind of subjects people were hoping for. I'm hoping that ends up being okay anyway. We'll see.
  • Hare Moon will probably end up being weekly one way or another going forward. Y'all seem to like it. I like working on it. It helps fill the Lonely Hooves void while Kaz's eye finishes recovering, at the very least.
  • I presently have the KTC voting over on Discord for where I should focus my efforts between a few fledgling animation projects. I've been meaning to do something more ambitious than a loop for a while, and I certainly seem to have the time now.
  • Slime Forest is the matching game I posted a preview of a couple weeks back. I very much would like a finished, shipped game to put on my portfolio; as much as I'd love to have Ketirz be a vessel to let me go wild securely going forward, until I can say that's the case I need to chase that paycheck baybeeee, and all the ways I'd actually LIKE to do that require a robust portfolio. This oughta do on several fronts.

Does that seem like enough? I'm juggling commission work and job seeking in with all that too. Busy little babe over here. Doing my best.

Thank you for your continued support. I shall strive to deserve it.

- Sera


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