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Trying something new! Here's a new adopt I'm planning to put up for auction... except first I'm offering her up to you guys with what we're calling a Nepotism Chance!

Here's how it works: I'm offering this gal for $50, or the best offer over $50. I'll attempt to set up a comment thread down below for bidding (I think Patreon has comment threads...? Let's find out together!). If nobody bids by Tuesday night, I'll list her on the public auction site at a lower starting price. If someone does bid and nobody outbids them within 24 hours, we set up a payment invoice and the adopt is theirs!

I went for a MILF-y Firebrandess. They're like dragon demons! Hot~!

Best of luck, and I hope y'all enjoy whether you bid for her or not! : ) I'm hoping to do more monster gal adopts and other monster girl things in general over the course of October for what I hope are obvious Halloweeny reasons!

EDIT: I almost forgot! The minimum increment between bids is $5! If someone bids 50, you need to bid 55 to outbid them! or 55.01, if you feel saucy, but at least a $5 difference. Have fun!
