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Hey y'all!  Let's lead off with the important info about what I'm doing right now.

I am presently removing the sketch tiers. I am not yet certain if this is temporary or permanent, but I'm too far behind on the things to feel confident taking on more of them at present and am reevaluating several aspects of my process and what I do.  To that effect, those of you on the tiers will still get your sketch slots for August once payments clear, but after that I'll be removing the sketch rewards at the very least until I catch up on this horrendous backlog.  If you wish to keep your position on the tiers, you can, but know that there won't be any more accrued sketches so long as the tiers remain inactive!  You'll still get all your other rewards.

With that unpleasantness out of the way, here's my general update on what's going on on my end!

My plan to get Thralls really moving this year has, quite obviously, been set aside pretty much entirely. The production time on individual pages felt untenable, so I've been toying around with things I can do to produce such things more quickly - speed sketches / paints, for starters, but in particular the Hare Moon pages.  I'm not sure anyone even notices a dip in quality when I just... skip any sort of cleanup or inking phase?  Hell, maybe y'all like it better that way.  I know I sort of do anymore, and it's a huge timesink to do all of that so if it's not missed then... good riddance, I guess?  I'm curious what y'all think.  I should probably get some high res exports of the weird horny sketches I've been doing up on here, eh?

Aside from that, I've been dabbling with Unity again and trying to see if I can get this rhythm-puzzle prototype working.  It's... a learning process, to say the least, and my time for it is very sporadic, but it's slowly coming along!  I'm not sure how pervy the game should be, though.  Filling it with cute monster girls?  I mean, that part's a given, but beyond that I'm sorta undecided.  For now I'm just trying to make all these Bejeweled pieces not cluster up and shit the bed.  One step at a time.

With a music game comes music, and I've been all over that lately as well, though my primary subject of focus has been a proper Hatsune Miku single (!) that is presently sitting at about half done and something like 40 hours of work.  It's been a huge undertaking, but it's coming along really well when I decide to just throw a whole weekend at it now and then.  (Gee, I wonder how I fell behind on sketches...)  Hopefully you all like it once it's done.  It's a delightfully horny bit of techno-swing about your rule 34 being aware of you looking at it and being way too fucking into that.  I love it a lot so far and can't wait to share it (though with this kind of hour count I'm really worried about releasing it with some sub-par visually dull static image video so... we'll see what I do there oh no)

So clearly 2020 has been a bit all over the place, which seems to be sort of the norm for everybody.  My end goal with all of this nonsense is to put together some sort of actual for-realsies portfolio, because... man, iunno, I'm in my 30's and should probably have one by now, I figure, or I'm gonna be in this office job until I die, which given how damn hot it's been in there lately will not take much longer now.  (That's slight exaggeration.  Slight.)  The end result is me doing a lot of very different stuff, and hopefully that's okay!  If not I'm sure it'll become clear soon enough.

We've also got a new stream format coming!  Think Hard Drive but rebranded, mostly, which means we're getting lots of weird fun pixel art shenanigans, none of which I can post without making this private, so that's cool I love that.  Regardless, we'll be continuing to dry run that this coming weekend, so if that interests you keep an eye on the Discord!  (Those of you owed sketches who really like this shit: I've got you covered.  I'm planning something where we both win, possibly.  Stay tuned!)

Anyway, that's the present state of affairs.  I'll have the next Hare Moon along soon; it's not a difficult page (it's conceptually my favorite in the whole thing so far!) but I've had a bit much on the ol' plate the last couple weeks to crank it out.

See y'all again soon, and thanks for your continued support despite, you know, the end of the world or whatever's going on lately.  Here's hoping Patreon doesn't unceremoniously axe me like's been going around lately and force us all to meander over to SubscribeStar or something.




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