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Howdy, y'all!

I hope everyone's having a good start of Spring!  It's been a busy month for me as I've been working to get the first few pages of Thralls out, but that's not all I've been up to!

With recent increases in living expenses chipping into an already pretty tight budget, life has dictated an increase in commission costs.  (Turns out Oregon's minimum wage outpaced me on this one anyway, which is sort of wild!)  After working the numbers out, the old sketch tier went from being five bucks off my usual asking price to more like half off.  Clearly, some changes were in order, so here's what's up!

A new backer tier has been added to adjust for the new commission prices with roughly the same "$5 off" deal attached.  It's starting with four open slots, but I might raise that as I continue to get used to this sort of thing if demand dictates.  Backers in the old tier do not need to pledge to the new one!  The original sketch tier has simply been "unpublished" - hidden from the public eye, but otherwise unchanged.  It's still $15/month and includes all the perks it did before!  Y'all should be fine without doing a thing.

I don't plan to move the old tier into obsolescence any time soon (the new Discord role for KTC members should even assign for the old tier), and there's no obligation to update to the more expensive one at this time.  If I come up with any wild additions to the tier in the future, that's when you'll probably have to consider your options, but the monthly sketches will remain a reward so long as you maintain your pledge.

With a new tier, it felt like a good time to go over the page wording again and maybe put some images up finally.  That last part's a bit temporary for the time being, but it's already looking a fair bit more like an artist's Patreon pitch, so that's probably a solid step in the right direction.  I'll probably keep fine-tuning it for a bit, but I think things are finally starting to settle in to how I want them to look up there.

If anyone has any questions about the changes, throw 'em my way and I'll do my best to address them.  In the meantime, thanks for your continued support, and I hope you've got sunny days ahead!

- Z.


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