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I'm still iffy on posting NSFW stuff on here but that wall's rapidly crumbling so we'll see what happens.  I suspect the Ketirz front will become more apparent here with time, especially since lately I've not had a tonnnn to post on here sorry! We're behind on like... everything.  I'm hoping to get things together to make the recent Lonely Hooves filler available in high-res for you lot, but got so scattered tonight that I totally spaced it. Oh no! :s

"Scattered" is kind of my MO lately. You might have noticed.  Anyway, about the naked cat lady!

Tried ending the night on a quickie. Aimed for half an hour, took closer to 45 minutes. I ain't mad.

There's a couple things I think are pretty obviously not up to par on this one, but the goal was to see what I could do with the time I gave myself, and as far as that's concerned I think it came out pretty solid! :) 



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