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I'm scatter-brained lately. Just completely unfocused. I am doing so much but finishing so little. We have a lot to talk about, I think. Let's recap together, as that is the secret secondary purpose of these things. A confession, in the first paragraph? So it would seem.

Let's party.


Ketirz now has a RedBubble storefront!!

There's a few fun designs on there (namely, a handful of my favorite SFW-adjacent pinup works and a couple emotes requested by the Discord as stickers and buttons), and you can get them on lots of shit. Some of that shit is better aligned than others, but I think it's a decent start for digging through my backlog for functional work I wanted to sell! Hopefully soon I can get some stuff made up with designs made specifically for the storefront. I've wanted an ottercat shirt or hoodie or something for ages....

The storefront with physical merch was part of my six month plan when I submitted to the state for self-employment support. It feels very good to have something out there! Finally!!

I'll have more news soon! Hare Moon's first PDF release and translator kit are on my shortlist, and I've been hard at work on something very, very overdue...


I made a puzzle in Peppermint Creams. It's a very simple riddle, but it has a cutscene when you finish it where it loads a different map and burns some vines. It involves some clever variable manipulation and process priorities to make it happen. I'm pretty proud of it. Patreon doesn't let me embed video though because I draw boobs.

Joke's on them. I also finally started (finally!!!) making a finished slime girl asset for Slime Forest, and that fucker's a GIF so they can't stop me!

She needs a lot of work still, but dad has always told me "started is half done." It is started! Look at that!

I am also pondering how exactly I want to implement an alternate game mode, and I've started setting up for leaderboards hopefully. We'll see how it goes. I really want those!


So much started, so little done!

I've started working old stuff into my order of operations, and that is presently being broadcast on our streams. Hopefully this helps me focus, even if it's making my bank account cry at the moment.

In Progress:

  • Double BJ for Zone (resumes Wens.)

  • Sexy Tigress Threesome for Aist (Resumes Tues.)

  • Yuri YCH (resumes when I stop being a little weenie baby complaining about her eyeballs hurting or whatever)

The queues haven't really changed from last week. Them new two have been pretty hard, honestly. I might also try working the KTC sketches into my warm-up process, just to feel more like I'm finishing something whenever I sit down. Sitting in WIP purgatory hurts my soul.


Sera is builllding momentum!

(That was a Sonic Riders reference for all one person in the world besides me who'd read this and get that. You're welcome, person! It's on my mind lately for some reason. We need a new one. It's been so long, and who wants to play some Kinect bullshit?? Come on, Sega.)

I kept riding off the high of finishing chapter 10. Chapter 11 is done. I couldn't decide between a pair of flashbacks that both felt relevant, and then I realized that they were also very relevant to each other, so now they're paired like some kind of throwback turducken made of conlang and trauma. Chapter 12 is also done, and the characters won over my plans. I think it's for the best?? I want to write 13 but just keep not doing it for some reason. I am excited!! We kinda pivot conflicts for a bit and get into the overarching plot for not only this book but probably the couple after it! The interpersonal stuff is very nice and largely the focus, but it'll be nice to finally get to the narrative driver instead of just hinting at it like I've been doing this whole time. Oh, yes, I'm on my foreshadowy shit again. Not as severely as with Lonely Hooves, but still.

... I miss Lonely Hooves. I hope those eye lens people get their shit together soon so my wife can see again. That'd solve the first obstacle to bringing that back. American healthcare really isn't in a hurry, though. Did y'all hear about what happened to the FurAffinity guy??? Fucking tragic. Country in a nutshell, I swear.

I seem distractable.



This is the other reason I'm considering making the KTC sketches warm-ups instead of dedicated streams. I don't like losing animation streams!! This work is kind of a big part of how I intend to push the Patreon forward!! I gotta secure my own rent, dawgs!! AAAaaaaah!!!!


The Phantom Brave sequel announcement (!!!) has me on my shit again. Cozy. Comfortable. I'm home, baby! Such a good game. Such a stupid, wonderful, heart-wrenching mess. One of NIS's odder experiments in the SRPG space, and I'm very excited to see it get a follow-up.

Otherwise, wow! I've sure been here! Present! Functioning! Sleeping too much, yet not resting well at all! A bit worried about my health. Trying to work out a little. Trying to keep moving, even if the output isn't showing it (which is really frustrating!! I basically worked my ass off all of last week with very little to show for it, which is why y'all got the Zoe thing. I needed to do something and see it to the end!! Anything!!!!) Seriously, getting a store setup was a lot of work and fuss! I tried a few different things before landing on RedBubble, and then had to wait for approval before I could confidently announce or share anything...!! Torture. Torment!! I hope y'all like having the option to peruse some physical wares!!

I am hungry. I'm gonna make some tacquitos.

Hell yeah.

  • Sera


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