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I got woken up by no less than 6 phone calls this morning, all labelled as "Likely Spam." The only one I groggily answered was a wrong number. That number called me three times.

My brain is a buzzing mound of discombobulated meat, is my point. I did the dishes. I ate some chicken. My day is finally started. It is 11:30 PM.

Let's do this.


Remember how last time I said I was bugfixing? We are still bugfixing. There are some elusive problems that will fix themselves after a turn or two but are none the less really weird and annoying. I am trying to pin them down and fix them.

Also, HUD revisions are finally underway to inch closer to the intended finished product, and I've done some little edits to the existing sprites, mostly in the eyes department (but also to the rainbow slime's halo, though that's not pictured here).

I've also made a few sound effects so the game is no longer a deafeningly silent nightmare and started tweaking the game over screen to be a little more elegant, but that is still very much in its early stages. There's been a lot of little bits of polish and adjustment on the more subtle end, including the start of implementing my intentions for the finished product's mouse pointer. Presently, it just dims when you can't make a move, but I'm hoping to replace the generic pointer I spent maybe a minute on with something that has a bit more animation and flavor to it.

Also, I've learned a bit more about shaders, and working within GODOT's shader language instead of just the drag-and-drop nodes. That's been pretty fun, when I find time for it.


I'm struggling to write this up in a way that doesn't make me miserable, so let's just break it down to raw, inarguable parts so that my stubbornly pessimistic brain has to accept that I haven't just been picking my nose for the last couple weeks.


  • MILF Demoness (Part 2)
    This one came out very very nice and would headline this whole post if I were allowed to slap full penetrative frontal on a public Patreon post. Proud as hell of it. Should probably post it here behind the paywall if only to gloat about it, except I have a weird hang-up about posting commission work on here usually (ergo why most of it never shows. I should change this?? But they paywall thing makes me feel like I'm creating a false sense of content x.x)

  • Mousegirl Paizuri w/ Messy Alt.
    This one came out pretty cute but is again not Patreon friendly. Most of my comms are not. Oops oh no.

  • Kazzie Threesome with Ottercat and a hamster man
    This one was the most work. I do not get a lot of refined pieces in my inbox lately.

In Progress:

  • Seabass and Jo Doin' It On A Beanbag
    I actually "finished" this one in tones because I forgot the commissioner paid for the full render treatment. Oops! I'll be wrapping this one up over the week, but the tone version is presently hiding on the Ketirz Discord channel.

Present queues:

  • Kazzietimes: 1, technically. One of the old junks. It may be time.

  • Artistic Freedom: 1.5

  • Old junk: 10 still sorry I suck


Little edits to Thralls, mostly. Nothing too exciting to talk about, but it's getting there, bit by bit. Sorry I don't have more to put here; the time I expect to be writing, it's been much more likely I'd be sleeping lately. Very tired. Don't know why. Depression?? Stress??? Maybe. I think it's getting better. I hope. I wanna give y'all more Nidrah.


Shantae's loops are officially done, and I am now in the process of putting together a finished video! Once I'm done arranging the parts into a satisfying little arc, I'll be animating the finale (fluid effects, let's see how it goes) and then editing in audio. After a bit of research and some reasonable thought, I opted to grab some sounds off of itch.io that should do the job and didn't cost me anything, which at the moment is about the exact budget I have to work with. I was hoping to have this all wrapped up this last weekend, but still have a ways to go...

In the meantime, I've had the KTC hard at work deciding on their contender for the next poll. That will most likely be the next post on here; our three contenders are lined up and waiting in the wings to fill in Shantae's spot once the editing work is done!

The editing work is slow. It is not fun to watch. This is why I have not streamed it. I worked on it all through Saturday in stubborn solitude, and we're only like halfway there. I underestimated the difficulty of the editing. Or was it the tedium...? Tedium is probably a more accurate word. It's not hard, it's just very "copy and paste and edit and tweak and slide this around the timeline" in an app that is NOT great at that particular set of tasks. It's getting there though. It's getting there. I think y'all will like it!


Kazzie's been getting back into Minecraft. We built a house into the side of a hill in the Savannah. We have a trio of pet armadillos that I've dubbed The Freds. I found her an axlotl. It's been nice, even if I do still feel like 90% of my time in the game is spent digging little holes through solid rock. It's a way to spend time together. Our strange sort of dates. We've got a nice farm going. Horses, fields, bees, a pen of unfortunate chickens and another crammed full of waiting beef. There is a village over the hill; it is now the village through the hill. There was a ruined nether portal there. It works again. The cartographer went in. He'll be busy for some time, I imagine.

I hope we all have a lovely summer.

  • Sera


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