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I didn't forget last week!! You did!! Yeah!! Time just jumped ahead because you had a dream about the time marble!! No, no, you wouldn't remember it, sorry! But it happened!! Probably!!

Anyway let's get to it.


Hey, did you know that none of my screenshots uploaded last time?? If you paste images into here they show up in the editor but don't actually go through. Very cool! Anyway, I think I figured out how to avoid that this time. If you see pictures, it worked!

The main movement on Slime Forest is that all the board pieces now have their own distinct slime girl sprite finished now! Huzzah! All three have distinct idle, hover, falling and burst animations / frames, and they're all capable of hopping to each others' pallettes or whatever horrid gradients I can imagine!

Next up... a secret fourth piece? Maybe!! But at some point I'm gonna need to bite the bullet and get those girls on the side out of the ten minute sketch blob zone.

On the lessons front, I've learned about nav meshes and such, so that's handy. All according to keikaku.


That October YCH is almost finished, provided you ignore that what's left is the animated tail, AKA the hard part. If I get through that, then one old thing is finally finished!! Progress!!

Present queues look like:

  • Kazzietimes: 1

  • Old junk: 10


Revisions on Thralls' 9th chapter are underway, and are looking more and more like a total rewrite. Chunks of what was chapter 10 have been repurposed into 9, and what was 9 is probably going to get repurposed into 10, and then the scene that was 10 will instead be 11 I guess??? I'm working it out as I go. Lots of progress, though!!

Also, Hare Moon is due, and I'm planning to wrap up the writing for its first chapter this week. Oh, yes, there will be more. Have I mentioned that?? Oh well!


The WIP tier can see the present state of the present smaller project, which is an animated sorta-loop of Shantae! She is presently missing most of her hair, but we'll get there! Here's a crop, you silly gooses!


Still job hunting, still plugging away. Need to pull in some comm work, but keeping busy besides in an effort to keep the ol' portfolio up to par and lure folks into here. That's not working out great, but I'm trying to make it more worthwhile all the time! x.x

Busy, busy. See y'all next time!


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