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I thought this might be a nice idea. I tend to do all sorts of things that don't always find their way on here or get finished as quickly as a typical image post, so I figure it can't hurt to let folks know what's been happening on various fronts.

So, let's do that!


I've been working through some online courses on GODOT to polish up my skills as work continues with Slime Forest. While classwork has presently been focused on the 3D workspace (and I have learned quite a bit!), I was able to take some things learned about GODOT's animation tracks to get new spritework into the game and finally start honing in on the intended visual presentation.

There's only the one slime head for now, but the end goal is to help the pieces be more distinct by reflecting the colors and designs of their respective gals! The present sprite has unique animations for idling, falling, being hovered over and - critically - blowing up into little goo bits for when you pop it. It's all held together by shared color ramp shaders to keep each color of slime unified across appearances.

Each piece of polish seems to leave me fiddling with the code base to adapt to the new visual events, but with a little work and reconfiguration everything is working as intended! Hooray!

Oh, and I also somewhat stated composing a piece of music to play alongside your puzzling finally. It's been a while.


My various sub-queues are starting to clear up, which is great for my anxiety and some of the more aged entries on the backlog, but not ideal for my wallet. That said, I could be putting in more effort on this front. My head's not been in it this week, though I did try to get a little something done pretty much every day.

Anyway, the ahegao queue is done! I also knocked out on of the Artistic Freedom pieces. It came out pretty cute, I think!

On the older comm front, I've finally started work on the last YCH from frickin' October, if only because I'm feeling the itch to make a new one again. Oops!

Present queues look like:

  • Artistic Freedom: 2

  • Kazzietimes: 1

  • Old junk: 10


Not a ton to report here that isn't already published on some tier or other; Thralls didn't budge this week, Hare Moon has a few pages written ahead of where we are still, and that's about it. I might prod Thralls tonight though. We'll see! That sounds fun. It's Sunday. Maybe!

Also, this! I wrote this!! Patreon's text editor DOES NOT LIKE IT! Uh oh!!


We have budged the Kazziecat office worker animation as of last night's previously-postponed backer stream! Patreon still does not let me post video, but rest assured that a desk has been rattled and a blouse has been torn open! Also, Mindy was there.


This coming week will see me continuing my commission efforts, which will keep happening as long as I have commissions, which I will keep needing as long as I stay unemployed. Yay??? I've also been working on things for or at lest involving Kaz on Wednesdays, so the next fruits of that should hit sooner or later. I keep busy!

Also, job hunting. I am so tired of job hunting. A hundred people could hop on that two dollar tier RIGHT NOW and I'd still need to keep job hunting. That reality sucks, but hey, you know, capitalismo and all that.

I'll keep at it. See y'all next week!


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