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I've been a bit quiet here while things have been going on, but now its time to let you, my patrons in on the loop.

Those who have been in my streams may know this but I left my call centre job at the end of January and I am now free to concentrate more on my artwork.

I have savings set to cover my bills and try this Patreon thing full time for at least six months.

What does that mean for here?

I will be producing allot more content for here and some new options will open up.

Art will still come here first for an extended period before public release but I may reduce the wait from 6 to 3 months for that.

I could divide the art upload into 5$ regular .jpeg files and $10 high res .pngs, but I don't massively like the sound of that idea, I'll decide later.

Polls will start coming up asking what you all would like to see.

New limited tiers will open for priority drawing and requests slots.

Commission will be opening up and Patreon patrons will get to sit at the front of that queue.

As soon as i work out my rates and nail those down.


Be ready for the Kobold quest.

Feel free to ask me any questions

also my discord is up and running if you want to join https://discord.gg/t6yfJF




All my yes


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<a href="https://discord.gg/j5P8Ts" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://discord.gg/j5P8Ts</a>