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Hey everyone! Our first weekly discussion was supposed to go live today, but due to some issues that popped up during rendering and uploading, getting the video published in YouTube's backend took longer than expected, necessitating that we push it live in the morning instead for maximum visibility.

But you're our beloved Patrons and you're awesome, so we figured you shouldn't have to wait until morning like everyone else. So here, for your early viewing pleasure, is our first weekly discussion -- and what better way to kick things off than with a good ol' Smash discussion? :)

We hope you enjoy it! We've got one more discussion with a pre-planned topic to roll out after this one, but Patrons at the Producer tier and above should check back soon for the first poll determining the topic we'll cover for our next discussion after that!

(Note that the video is private on our channel until morning, so please don't share the link around!)


(No title)



The perfect topic to kick things off!!


Woohoo! Super hyped for these discussions, and smash was the best way to start this off!