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SOOTH is back. A lot of dumb mistakes were made on 0.9 which I'm going through, fixing and making improvements all around. I'm also going to try to work on Planet of Bloodthirsty Santa this month and hopefully finish it.

DOWNLOAD - Latest Update 12/13

  • Killer's chase speed is slower for the outside ending
  • Fixed the ending killer's flashlight position
  • Fixed bushes outside so the player is not blocked in anymore
  • main menu settings work now

  • Fixed the Brendan cutscene
  • Fixed exiting the house to get the second ending
  • Added sound to the security cameras so you can anticipate them
  • Made some improvements to the save system. Hope it helps. I'm probably going to replace the entire thing soon.


  • UI Improvements (further improvements coming)
  • Fixed the skybox
  • Victims scream and bleed when being Murdered
  • Victims follow you at a reasonable speed
  • Save system should be fixed BUT you'll need to create a new save. Your old file probably won't work
  • Smoke detector puzzle is fixed
  • Granny should no longer scream after death
  • Granny won't roam the house indefinitely. She actually parks for a while

Stuff I'm working on or considering next

  • Multiple save slots
  • Improvements to the document system so you can read the text easier
  • Blood and audio during dismemberments
  • Improvements to the baby
  • More victims in the cages and animations for them




Always happy for a SOOTH update. Will dive into it tonight.


downloaded it, i dont know how but if i click the link the embed just simply doesnt respond


I tried to save but nothing would happen when I click yes. Only the no option works. For the future, I also feel like everything is way too dark. I have my pc brightness and the game's gamma all the way up, but still can barely see a thing.


its not letting me download. it keeps bringing me back to this page


never mind i didnt see the other download link.


Hello! The cutscene with Brendon is broken now :( The maniac staying in front of Brendon and nothing happens. The sounds of chainsaw keeps playng throughout the gameplay. And Save function still doesn't work.


The smoke detector puzzle was the problem... i will try it now. Thanks!!


The save system works for me a little bit...but the brendan cutscene is bugged out, the killer won't cut him. And when I escaped out of the house it bugged out and took me to a red screen...


when i try to save for the second time wont let me


I had to go back to v0.7.3 to get the escape ending...because 0.8 had the exact same problem


That's fierce.


The good ending doesn't work :(


Yo I tried the second ending and is he supposed to be that fast? He was never that fast


I tried it again and he still catches up to me. Did you buff his speed or change up the ending?


Thanks puppet. Good thing you have patrons to play these games to spot out these bugs…


i download today update and the save system im stuck on saving please wait


Just realized the radar doesn't work. and I escaped but I still had stamina. Is it because I was low on health? Because I died on the ending


I think there is a discord that can answer all these questions


I’m in that discord and none of my questions in the past have been answered

Shortnight of Glass Dolls

How do you know? What does it do or not do? I have been a patron for over a year and have downloaded every one of the games he offers and they have all worked fine. With no information, we can't help you. What's your system specs?


nvm i figured it out i downloaded the wrong one..... im dumb


Save feature doesn't work


Saving just hangs up on blue vhs save screens.


guys i have to leave the patreon because i’m poor but anyway i click not happy with the things it gives instead of having financial trouble so i would like say it’s been a great experience and thank you


Bro you have to fix the stamina bar for the escape ending


Try running it in windowed, although saving is effectively useless because things like the grandma (dead or not), some puzzles, etc. don't persist through saves


I finally found where to save the game however when i choose to save, it just stays on the saved screen. When i try to load the saved game, it only loads a black fuzzy screen. any ideas?


how do i download the night ripper


yo it's almost march bro where did you go? arrested for murder? haha


He is changing it over to a Splinter cell stealth system thing. Its where you can hide in shadows and shit. But he said there won't be much of a visual difference. And he is probably fixing other bugs and stuff. So that's probably why another update is taking so long. Just like his other updates on sooth it usually comes out on the 1st, so we'll see..