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Winter is almost over! 

Lum's Search Party is coming out on Steam very soon. Actually this Thursday March 4th. If you've played it before, you're in for a treat, with new content and a ton of work put into polishing and getting it ready for Steam. If you haven't played it, but enjoyed Murder House, you'll love Search Party.

Please wishlist it on Steam if you haven't. Wishlists are how Steam determines how much to promote a new release. And if you're signed up for the Pre-order tier, you'll be getting a key this week! Probably Wednesday.

There's also a brand new Demo / prologue on Steam you can play right now. Here is Lum's twitter so you can stay up to date on his projects @uberprawn 

Stay out of the House is still the main focus and the next big update, 0.8 is around the corner. It's actually being tested at the moment so if you're interested in taking part in the testing or just want to try it early, tag me on the Puppet Combo discord @puppetcombo and request access. Invite if you're not in there

Some of whats new

  • Enhancement to the AI (I'll keep this vague for now so it remains a surprise)
  • You can set bear traps against the killer
  • Security cameras
  • More difficulty as the days progress
  • Knife combat
  • New family member
  • And more

The 0.8.X updates are mostly going to be about AI enhancements and features.
0.9.X will add the save system, voice acting and the final finishing touches before the Steam release. If you're still interested in voice acting, please email me casting@puppetcombo.com with any vocal acting sample. Most of the lines needed aren't written yet, so there's no actual parts to read for yet.

Christmas Massacre is coming out today or tomorrow. It's about 98% complete but needs another day. It's March but the game can be enjoyed all year.

Found footage game is still progressing but between everything else, it's kind of been on the backburner. Expect to hear more soon. Once Christmas Massacre is out, this one should go quick.

Bloodwash is on the way! Things have been quiet, but don't worry. You'll be afraid to enter a Laundromat ever again.




Looking forward to playing Search Party !


A new family member... I wonder who it could be.


I honestly think I have had bloodwash in the back of my mind more so then everything else, such an effective demo lol

Shortnight of Glass Dolls

what did you like about the (bloodwash) demo? i didn't really understand the point, it seemed like nothing happened.