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Halloween is almost here! Last week The Horror of Salazar House Keys were sent out (please take a second to leave a review) and today Murder House keys were sent!

The official release date is Thursday October 22nd. I don't have an exact time but it won't be at midnight, so there's no need to stay up late.

As with Salazar House, I'm not sure how reliable emailing Steam keys is, so if you are or ever have been a pre-order patron and you did not receive a key, message me here with your email address and I will find you your key. 

Make sure you send me your patreon email address when messaging me or it will delay the process and I'll have to ask you for your email anyways to find your key. All the keys are assigned by email, so I can't find it without your address.

Don't worry if you're not getting a steam key, a DRM-free version will be uploaded on Patreon on release day, so you can play it here too.

Murder House is the longest Puppet Combo  game to date and has been in careful development for the past 7 months. I would best describe it as Clock Tower crossed with Silent Hill wrapped  up as a cheap 80's slasher. Hope you enjoy and please leave a review!  Everyone says Steams looks for about 50 reviews before it starts  recommending the game within Steam, so any review helps.

Thank you for all the support over the years! Because of it Puppet Combo  has been able to grow and put out bigger and better releases!

Murder House isn't the end, Jordan King's Blood Wash is coming out sooner than you may expect. As for me, I will be ramping up production on Stay out of the House right away to try to get that released as soon as possible.

Happy Halloween!




Congrats! Very exited for murder house


Super excited! ❤️❤️


Congrats on the big release!


Hell yeah, looks like its gonna be some real spooky fun.


aaaaaaaa cant wait!!!!


Very excited!


doooooooooou vamo lo pibeeeeeees


i thought we were going to be able to play early


Hey Puppet Combo do you have a release date for Sooth? Or is it still a few months away


Who else is ready to represent Puppet Combo and break the net with this scary ass game?!


Thank you so much! This game is proving to be a lot more cinematic and comparably a lot more time and effort seems to have went into this! Loving it so far, and looking forward to posting a positive review when I am finally able to force my scared self through that horrible house.


i love puppet combo games


can someone pls help i bought the stay out of the house and night shift bundle but dont know how to download the games


hello,caIget a key please