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It's Park Ranger Jim's first watch. Will he survive the night? NIGHT WATCH
A night of deep woods horror!



  • Fixed the surprise in the shed
  • (Hopefully) Fixed getting stuck while going up the stairs
  • (Hopefully) Fixed the doors being passable glitch
  • Fixed you still being able to use the computer after the power went off haha
  • Improved some of the cameras


  • There was an issue where the music didn't stop where it should towards the end.
  • Removed the solo .exe build because it was causing too many problems.


  • I've included two version for Windows - the normal .zip as usual but also Night Watch.exe which contains the full game in one executable. I'd love to release all the games as single .exes but some antivirus software such as Windows Defender seem to block my games for no reason. Let me know your results if the game is blocked.




Downloading then playing this immediately! Keep up the great games.




Definitely putting up a LP on YT!!!




Is it totally finished and no further updating needed?


Another masterpiece... so can we expect full SOOTH after this one later?


I'm getting an error on macOS Catalina. After unzipping the file I go to run it and just get an error saying: The application Night Watch.app can't be opened. I did get it to run by going to the folder in terminal and running: sudo chmod +x Night\ Watch.app/Contents/MacOS/*


So I found a bug or something along that. After refueling the generator, I got stuck on the platform going back up to the tower


Hey Russ, i keep getting the same error message too!! can you give me instructions on how to do that?? that would be extremely helpful.


Found a bug possibly. The door to the barn was open and i was able to walk through the door on the watchtower as well.


That sort of happened to me too. I kind of walked around and it was like the corner of the top of the stairs and then i was able to get up. Kind of finicky.


Yeah i have a major bug which iv tried on both versions of the game and still bugged. once i wake up back into the night watch tower, every single door i can walk right through instead of a loading screen. resulting in me being unable to progress further unfortunately. i cant even leave the beginning area because of it:/ Great game though just hope it gets fixed soon


Is the game like this from the start? If not, when does it start happening? I haven't been able to recreate this. Also is it windows or mac?


So it works completely normal till he kills me while im in the shed then immediatly once i wake up from his bad dream every door im able to walk thru and cannot proceed


Thanks for letting me know. I will see if I can recreate this. In the meantime, you can continue with the game by not going back in the shed and continuing the computer game.


a lot of fun! but a glitch: on mac, I was killed by the guy in the shed, then the game never restarted. just heard the generator sounds over and over again on a black screen. couldn't get it to go any further/


IT'S ALL CONNECTED, MAN But seriously, holy shit this was a spooky fun time and I loved the atmosphere of it. The only criticism I could really give is I was expecting something more supernatural from the computer disc's existence and behavior, but overall still a really nice project. And it was cool seeing my name in the thank yous. :P


Having an issue with launching the game....it worked on the first initial install and boot of the game, but after that in windowed/full-screen "NIGHTWATCH" is stuck at the very bottom of the screen, half cut off horizontal and just doesn't respond. Don't know if anyone is having the same issue.


This is a bug I haven't heard of yet. What operating system are you using and what version are you playing?


Yes it should, besides the typing parts.


Only one ending? And what about Stay Out Of The House and Buzz-Saw Blood House?!


Yes there is one ending. Stay out of the House will be worked on soon. Buzz-Saw Blood House will be finished at some point. I don't have dates when anything will be done because it's impossible to predict.


can you explore the whole map? and have him chase you


Very spooky and interesting. I especially liked the music and atmosphere. I don't know how to feel about that ending, but overall I enjoyed it. Keep up the good work. :-)


I can't seem to get it to run. I downloaded unity and Night Watch.exe but I keep getting "UnityPlayer.dll not found" error. Sorry if it's a simple solution, I'm not too good with this stuff. Any help is appreciated!


I got stuck on the stairs multiple times. I could go upstairs inside the watch tower if I use shift to run, but could not get back upstairs after putting gas in the generator. Got stuck at the top of the first set and could not get past the stairs.


had a problem that after the knock on the door happened i could not progress after that, even checking/using everything. some clipping through stairs but not that big of a problem. other than that it is a great game and got me pretty good.


I know this is unrelated, but will there ever be that final update or two to nun massacre, or is the game done. Night watch was so fun to play. I hope you make more narrative-driven horror games in the future.


Could I have the link to power drill massacre?


Hello. I know it's completely unrelated to this, but *SPOILERS* what do I do in Nun Massacre after I watched all the Bongo tapes and the wooden crosses have fallen off the walls? Do I just proceed with reinstalling the statue's head or do I need to do something with the crosses? EDIT: Don't bother helping me, I've already figured it out on my own (the thing with the cross was ridiculous). Is it supposed to be symbolic? If you don't mind, I might want to write an article about Mommy Apollonia and will ask you a few questions just to get things straight, alright?


so was this prequel or sequel to power drill?


Any progress on Stay Out Of The House?


i recorded a playthrough of your game, hope thats alright! i fell into a lot of trouble walking through the stairs in the recent version 1.03


Thanks for replying, but still have you read my previous long comment about the Nun Massacre? It's really important.


Guess who made the villains wiki article about Billy and Riverside Ripper?


My version seems to bug out when I come across the doll in the maze game. It wont let me use any of the commands which I found when typing in 'help'.


Yay I downloaded and played this yesterday and it was great. I really liked the demo and couldn't wait to finish the game when it was done and I really liked the ending to this. I also saw my name in the Special Thanks :). Keep up the great work!


My favourite horror game experience of all time. Thank you!


great game


good game but I wish it had more gameplay


I don't know how you don't have more patrons, big fan, keep this up and try for a steam release


New game tomorrow?..


Came from dashie! Cant wait to try out a few of your games and play them for myself! Gotta wait until later at night though ;)

Jurriën Bolding

I loved this! I regret not having pledged earlier to have my name in the credits.


The best


One of my favorite games


Can't wait to play this tomorrow!


about to record a vid playing this, ill try to have it up. im gonna give me thoughts and honest opinion on the game


Just finished it and i loved the reference to one of the other games at the end. But it just makes me think is there multiple endings to this game or just the one?


Loved the game, and will play it a few more time. Good job! side note this is my first game from Puppet Combe, now hooked and will look for some of your other projects.


Do you HAVE to complete the game you find on the disc? I spent like 35 minutes on that thing I kept getting stuck and never made it to the part where someone was at the door! the disk game text goes by way too fast and is just confusing :(


im also stuck on that part. I'm going to figure it out but so far I love this game


I don't like the minotaur game the thing is, I had to get dressed and THE WHOLE GAME CLOSED ON ME


Am I the only one or is the controller support really really buggy? When I play on the controller and open the PC and I use the PC, I basically can't play with the controller anymore, as any dialog with multiple choice will result that I will need to use my mouse and not my controller anymore. That really sucks. Would appreciate any help here.


The PC game requires you to type, so you have to use your real keyboard for that


Well it's not even only about the controller. The holy PC is so buggy, that it still takes your input when you already left the fucking computer. I'm getting so frustrated as I just want to play this game, but I really can't as this game needs the fucking computer to trigger the emergency call. This game is literally unplayable. I don't get how anybody didn't have this bug...


Please try it out by urself. I can't use the controller or keyboard for the dialogs, after I typed anything into computer like "weather". You make amazing games and I'm just extremly frustrated that I can't play this after several hours of trying out or fix this.


Yeah, and after I used the keyboard, I can't use my keyboard or my controller anymore for any kind of dialogs (for example the options screen). I need to use my mouse. And this is really really uncomfortable to play with. The selector simply disappears. And as I said: I found out that when I leave the computer and I type something and press Enter, the computer somehow takes this as input, which means, that you are not really "leaving" the computer. And I think that this causes the bug.


Thanks, that explains what the problem is better but I don't know when I'll have a chance to fix it. I don't have the project readily accessible anymore, so I guess it will only be playable with mouse and keyboard for the time being.


i love this game


Was there a lot of content cut for the final version? I played the link from the other listing (the demo, 0.25) and it seemed much longer, just had no ending. Final version seems very short but maybe I'm missing something?


No the final version is the longest one. It's got all the content of the other versions.


Alright now I'm really confused. In the demo it'll run at any resolution, in this version (1.03) it will only run in square resolutions with black edges. Is this intentional?


I don't know if you are still bug fixing on this at all, but I ran into an issue while using a controller. Any time I pressed a button on my controller while using the computer (for the weather or for the maze of the minotaur) it would make it so the cursor would never show up again unless I used my mouse. Exiting the game wouldn't fix it either, I would have to download the files again to start fresh. (SPOILER) Also, that capture scene at the end was one of a kind. Good work man,


i ran into a bug that kept me from proceeding, after the knock on the tower i went into the shack and nothing happened when i elft, i ran around for about 15 minutes before looking up a walkthrough and saw that a cutscene was supposed to play but didnt. i dont know what happened but ill try to play the game again later, btw i love the references


10/10 game loved the ending