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Now includes the wrap around segment!

DOWNLOAD: https://puppetcombo.itch.io/scary-tales-vol-1/patreon-access

After a late Friday night of partying, you wake up to a strange package at your door. Four mysterious tapes you don't remember ordering. Will you dare to watch them?

Four  of the scariest  Puppet Combo shorts in one shocking anthology! They will  rattle   your body and   haunt your dreams!


  • Night Shift
  • Feed Me Billy
  • Riverside Incident
  • Spiders

If you're a patreon, you already have access to most of these games, but now they're on itch.io too. However, there is a new wrap around game coming in the next few days to go along with the collection. Stay tuned.




do you need 7-Zip to open?


and also this game is also taking almost 6 or 7 hours to complete downloading i must need the problem fixed and i need your help how to this get fixed


I hope this gets a CD-ROM soon. These happen to be four of my favorite PuppetCombo games!


I'm not sure if it has vscync or not. What specs does your pc have? Maybe it doesn't haven enough ram.


New segment is amazing


Ben as patreons will we get access to the wrap around game?


Yes, you have access already. You just need to download it through itchio with the link.


Awesome your a legend and your game's rock


for fuck sake i bought it before it was available on patreon for 5 dollars a month


Sorry, there was a mistake in the way it was marked on here. I noticed when I did the update and fixed it. Can you email support@itch.io for a refund?


perfect for halloween :)


Really love this game however It gives me traumatic depression when it shows me a dying cat.


This game isn't working, it freezes every time after I click new game on the loading screen


will there be a volume 2?


Will you write recommended pc specs into your games in the future it could be helpful for people like me with low end pcs to know which games we can run (the games run amazingly even on my old windows 7 pc)


night shift was probably the scariest on that list. feed me billy was fun, riverside was creepy and spiders, I didn't really enjoy as much as the others. Great experience tho!


I might never sleep again


Really well designed games.


Is there a google drive download for this i download it and about half way it keeps saying server error? help?


No there is no google drive link for this one. It's a pretty big download. Around 3gbs I think. Can you try it with the itch.io app? I think you'll have better results than downloading with a browser: https://itch.io/app


ive tried twice and same thing i'll have to look into getting the app might have better results with it. thanks, but if im not and i just download all the games individually from the downloads page will they all be the versions that are in the vol 1?


im having an issue playing the game the download is good but when i start it up i get an erro how can i by pass this.


I need help because it keeps saying missing unityplayer.dll


it says that i don't have a pledge for PUPPET COMBO 80's HORROR GAMES, and i bought the suscription yesterday :(


Maybe because you got the 5$ tier for this game u need the 10$ one i think


God I hate that cat scene, I want to do unspeakable things to whoever would do that to a cat.


I got the game for basically 11$ since I also bought this patreon, and I want to play Feed Me Billy but when I put the game in and I click relaunch nothing happens. Please help!


man, this is good, you could just make a compilation of the 4 games but no, you decided to go beyond and connect all with another game that is kinda a hub world, that is awesome and unique and i love it, and the things you can do around i also love it too, even being a hub world it has a story that progresses, i neves saw anithing like it before but i love it! now the review for each game without spoilers riverside insident, i cant play it but it looks awesome, so good job night shift: is a good game, its tense and full of stuff to do for a tiny map, i wish you can combat but i guess is fine not to have combat. PD: i still dont figure out how to play the arcade but its scary even for the low details, so good job in that too spiders: this has to be the weirdest and crazyest game of puppet combo, its reminds me to earth defence force, but like a horror version of that game, the textures of the AI are kinda shit and it can be anoying trying to hit a enemy that is too high or too low, but other than that is a fun game feed me billy: this game is good but with the concept it can be better, you are like the main bad guy of the story so i dont expect that the target defends himself, everything is fine up to this point, but i wish that the maps where more interesting, like you have to pursuit the targets in more unique maps, kinda like hunting, seting traps, trying to find them, kill them before they scape or call for help, that kinda of thing, but nah, here you have to find them, and shoot them, thats it, its not more strategy than that and is kinda disapointing seeing the potential that the concept has, even with this in mind i thing is a fine game, even you are in the advantage you as the player still feels that something is wrong, and i like how perfect you handle that atmosfere, its good but it can be better and with that this game compilation is an 8/10, you have to try it, its good, its scary, its weird and i love it


link isnt working for me. api error.


"You don't have access to this page" I've tried on both the browser and the app to get this download. Am I missing something here?


Upgraded to the 10 dollar tier... still nothing. Would like a reply.


Do you have an itchio account? You'll need that. You should see this: https://imgur.com/SNfuAgT


Yeah, that pops up but after I connect my account to it I get the "You don't have access to this page" screen: https://imgur.com/a/RLbPnV3


Can you click the 'get in touch with support' link? I make the games but I don't have any access to the backend of their website. Itchio support would have to fix it.


Messaged them three days ago, still no response. If by chance they don't respond in a few days, would you be able to get in touch with them?


I've emailed them about website issues and have never gotten a response, which is why I don't release new games on there. I don't know if they'll actually discuss your account with me, since that probably violates their privacy policy


Are there any alternative download links? I upgraded to the ten dollar tier specifically for this game. Thanks for the quick responses, it's appreciated.