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After an eventful evening at the carnival, you accidentally fall asleep in the Funhouse. Too bad for you the place comes alive at night and EVIL CLOWNS roam the halls.

DOWNLOAD: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1egszlU3-jS6Fdz1QjHrNljHZHquVCrDu


  • Lives and weapons carry over between levels
  • You can continue your progress if you quit
  • Custom field of view
  • New Video Filters
  • Fixes
  • Basically had to remake the enemy AI so it would work with saving data :( 


  • Two new levels The Haunted Manor and the Wonder Wheel
  • A new Hatchet throwing clown
  • The machine gun, extra lives and first aid kit to find
  • Press F to inspect/use
  • The number of lives you have remaining resets with every new level and you need to collect new weapons. This will be improved in the next update.

0.1 - FPS prototype

I thought the game would work better with guns, so here they are. I think it's a bit more fun so I'm going to expand it with more levels, more powerups and more clowns.

  • new level
  • guns to collect
  • Added Billy and more existing clowns
  • Pause menu

0.01 - First Prototype

  • Pacman style gameplay
  • Clowns chase and kill you

If you're concerned about Azana, her treatment is going well so far - this was her last night: https://gfycat.com/sparklingcalmelver




Great this is going to be extremely stressful puppet combo + clown's is not going to end well for me


Is there an ending to it?


Can you possibly release the full verison in the near future? Or at least something resembling one.


evil clowns are the best clowns :D




We all float down here, you'll float too!




D a r k . D e c e p t i o n ? ? ?


is it an escape?


🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 love it


looks epic


Great stuff, good rush! Did get some motion sickness from it which I was not expecting.


just beat it 10/10 gave me anxeity


Will backrooms be able to be complete?


I will never forget these games, very scary and makes my palms very sweaty .


Can we expect something soon? Evil Clowns? Backrooms? BSBH? Anything at all?!


I will be releasing Evil Clowns updates and Backrooms this month, but I'm unable to estimate how soon or when.


the new update is REALLY buggy as soon as i started the game 2 clowns came at me from the start while the dialogue was showing and then i saw 2 of the same clown (the fat one with a chainsaw) so its kinda unplayable for me


How is your kitty?


Can you please make a restart button?


How is it going with the Backrooms?


This was a great update for Evil Clowns, can't wait to see what else you put in the game .


Hmmm looks like fun >:) I will definitely download this later on today. Edit:Not bad, I do enjoy the chaotic nature of it all, although maybe a bit of a better minimap might be nice, sometimes I can't really pinpoint if the hallway I'm down has a pathway I can take to the other coins.


Did a clean run and it was so much fun playing 0.2!


I would really like if you could add a FoV slider. Also, maybe it's just to add to the feeling of helplessness, but I find it a little annoying that the clowns take so much gunfire to kill. I shot one of the tiny ones point-blank 3 times with the shotgun and he was still running after me. I gave up on trying to kill any of the other ones since they just kept eating my bullets until I ran out. Overall this game seems really fun, it has some really frantic gameplay and great, anxiety-inducing atmosphere. I can't wait to see how this develops.


THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE PROPER UPDATE!!! But what about the Backrooms???


I really enjoyed the new update, it's shaping up into something special. I would love to see some creepy clown music too.


The FOV slider has been added in 0.2.1. The amount of gunshots has been adjusted to be consistent throughout the game as well. Before, the first level would require the most to take down clowns. Now the shotgun is more powerful but has less ammo.


The minimap is helpful for directions of things but I don't want it to show exactly how to get there.


Love the new update. Game is a lot of fun, and the music is great. There are some bugs I ran into: -Exit doors texture on lvl 1 are missing (neither was it shown on map), I was teleported to lvl 2 nevertheless after reaching it. -Billy can't shoot me while I'm crouching. -exit doors on lvl 2 (haunted manor) are already opened at the start of the level. -after beating lvl 2 and reaching the tomb area, it restarted me at lvl 2 again. I exited the game and after clicking continue, it took me to lvl 3 wonder wheel. -once I appeared on lvl 3 wonder wheel, instead of clicking F, I clicked right mouse and the whole screen was red. I like how the game is going, I just think there should be more health kits spreaded across each level. For some reason, I like to think of having beartraps in the game where when you place the beartrap on the ground, it either traps the clown for limited time (also it drains its health), or it instantly kill the clown. I also have a feeling there will be boss fights in the future updates. Either way, game is really fun and can't wait for future updates (also, I love the frankenstein secret room).


Thanks for the report! 0.2.2 is uploading now that fixes all those issues. Yeah, some more health pack might be coming in the future. I'm actually planning to add difficulty settings so you can pick how hard you want it.


the exit on the first level didn't work.


I just tested it and it works for me. I don't know what the issue could possibly be. As a work around, you could quit the game and then select continue on the main menu and it will load level2


after complete the level 2 i cant load level 3, it load level 2 again


Haha I dont try to 0.2.3 😁 I will try it


could you make to when a clown throws a hatchet and sticks to the wall, could you make it to where the player goes through them because it gets stuck in the door ways and can't get out .


Will The Backrooms be released today?


Hey Puppet, so is it intentional to have the resolution max out at 1280 x 960 for the newer versions of the game?


Give fast movement for enemies with saw . And make high sound music


I really liked the game while it lasted but I encountered an unfortunate bug. I had just finished collecting all the coins in the amusement park level. The game told me to find the exit, I went to it, the gate was closed and wouldn't open. I closed the game, re-opened it, pressed continue but the game hangs on the loading screen :(


Always gave me adrenaline when I turned around and there was a clown in my face. It is very addictive, love it.


Puppet Combo if you could try and fix this game that would be amazing :( because as the user said before me, there is a bug where you cannot move on past level 3 and my friends and I really enjoyed this game. We're huge fans of all your games but this has got to be one of our favorites.


Sorry about that. Level 3 is the last level. After that it just says, To Be Continued


Sorry about that. Level 3 is the last level. After that it just says, To Be Continued I will be adding more levels in the future.


Imagine the prologue from Murderhouse where you're the kid in an abandoned mall, and then that Tim Curry clown from this game shows up! X_X