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DOWNLOAD: https://drive.google.com/open?id=16kSbfZfUNPtwvdyDd-UT4TfHGpmpE73Y

In July 1991, a group of hikers happened upon a garbage bag containing a video tape and some articles of clothing in Spring Forest state park. After viewing the footage, they turned it into the local police, believing it to be a prank. Limited portions of the tape have been released to the public in hopes of identifying the persons involved.

  • Zoom in: Right mouse
  • Zoom out: Left mouse
  • Exit: Alt + F4
  • * It may take a while to load when you first start
  • if the game can't run or crashes, try 'low quality' mode.

Executive Producers: Fatale Maison, Michael Silgero, Ciara Jackson, Darkside88, Smoochiichu

Patreon note: Starting in June, I'll be moving previous years games to the $10 tier since there are kind of a lot now. Anything from Blood Maniac or newer  will still be $5. In the meantime, you have another month to download anything you missed, or save the links for later use.





Rye Creepycan

This will actually be the first PuppetCombo games I'll play before watching a YouTuber!


Awesome. Are we allowed to make videos on this?


I'm hyped!


cant seem to download any of the games using the link


can't wait to jump into it


The game has a resolution lock? Too bad, was hoping to play it in 4K ^^""


hmmm, it should go to high resolutions: <a href="https://i.imgur.com/URIp8h7.png" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://i.imgur.com/URIp8h7.png</a>


Just got finished with it! Very interesting, I like the direction this one took


Mine keeps crashing, default and fastest, weird.


The movement speed is incredibly slow, near crawling pace. Is this intended?


this game is too eery omg im getting the chills!!!


this was amazing and terrifying but is the game supposed to end abruptly and then close or did mine just crash


This game made me feel VERY uncomfortable. I loved it &lt;3


Hi, Every time I try and boot the game up, it displays the unity logo, then just crashes. I've tried running it 3 times in different resolutions and 3 times in windowed mode and nothing's changing. This doesn't happen with any of the other games. :/ can anyone reccomend a solution please?


I've also tried it in low quality


Yes, when you first start the game, just let it load without click or touching anything. That can cause it to crash


Having the same problem.


I start up the game, and it'll show the unity screen, but then it fades away and I'm left with just a blue screen. And of course clicking it leads to a not responding message, any fix for it?


Yes. don't click anything and leave it until it loads. It may take a few minutes


That was terrifying! I love it! My heart though...


I just want to say, that I am so excited that I now have every Puppet Combo game, and I am proud to say I am creating playthroughs of all of them on my channel, here is a link, subscribe and stay tuned for my videos <a href="https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5KffxYQtvs5V90-2WtyMsw?view_as=subscriber" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5KffxYQtvs5V90-2WtyMsw?view_as=subscriber</a>


Also Ben, and I say this for everyone who's played these games, thank you for making some of the best horror games in video game history


<a href="https://youtu.be/BlWOnSLfltQ" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/BlWOnSLfltQ</a> I (think) that I gave a good breakdown.


Hello Puppet Combo. Since I'm italian, I have a real story you may be interested in. Have you ever heard the story of Leonarda Cianciulli the soap-maker? I've checked Wikipedia, but sadly the english version lacked the tasty details... She killed three women, partially ate them (roasted, boiled and in a stew, she said), made soap with their remains but used their blood to make chocolate biscuits, which gave to her children to protect them from harm, identifying herself as the goddess Tethys, mother of Achilles, which made the son (almost) invulnerable by bathing him in the river Styx. <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leonarda_Cianciulli" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leonarda_Cianciulli</a> <a href="https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leonarda_Cianciulli" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leonarda_Cianciulli</a>


so whats ur next game idea


Hey puppet combo what will be ur next game idea


I was on the edge of my seat. This is the unique experience I can't get from any other game developer. I look forward to your next game.


this was not fun


Loved the concept. I would stay more if moving around wasn't SO FUCKING CLUNKY. Total game time: 5 minutes.


not every game is going to be a chasey-screamer, let ben experiment


So creepy. The low poly graphics actually look real with the static. It's interesting how the blue spaces play into the plot. I wonder if that's how to reach the Back Rooms? The parts of reality that haven't loaded yet... Great work with the movement... I kept waiting for something to be around the corner. Great buildup of dread!! 5/5


I loved this. An excellent change of pace and a complete story.


Now that I think about it, the final episode might have been inspired by the real Stockton arsonist footage...


I used to live in Stockton so this is insane for me.


Game just crashes for me. :[