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Christmas Massacre is now Blood Maniac: https://www.patreon.com/posts/blood-maniac-0-2-24377331

0.1.1  is up - there was a part in the previous version that I realized was impossible. It's been adjusted

Happy New Year! Here is the first part of Christmas Massacre. I didn't have it ready for Christmas, so I have to figure out what to do. I guess I'll start morphing it into a Larry the Butcher game (with a possible Valentine's day tie in?).

Definitely going to stick with the same basic story - Asylum escape, winter night setting and open world. I'll probably aim for 8 to 10 levels total. You'll be able to drive around in the Van in the next update. Plus I'll be adding in more weapons like throwing knives.

Also planning on releasing this found footage game this month: https://streamable.com/i2sfw so things are going to be super busy. Stay tuned :)




A New Years gift! Happy New Year to Puppet Combo and us fans.


Thank you and happy new year *hugs*


Thank you!


You need to work on the hit boxes for the shiv dude. You can be stabbing a guy point blank and have it arbitrarily miss for no reason and instantly lose the game.


Noted. I'm actually going to be redoing the code to improve them. Update will be coming soon. For now, the best way to hit people is to aim down at them, since the killer is taller than everyone, you might miss if you aim straight


Yeah, sad to say the hitbox issue has left me not even playing the game since release day. Love the concept but I'll wait for a slightly more polished version.


Yes, you're right. Since I've played through so many times, I've kind of adapted to the janky hit detection, overlooking how bad it was. But retesting it tonight with that in mind, I could clearly see the problem, with stabs that should connect, totally missing. Thankfully, I think I've got it fixed. I just uploaded version 0.1.2, which works a lot better. Hope you feel like giving it another shot


Cant play the game it keeps crashing


Does it crash on startup? When you first boot it, leave it alone for a minute until it fully loads. Don't click anything. Hopefully that'll fix your issue


Played it and loved what I played. The fast-forward mechanic truly revolutionizes stealth gameplay, as far as I know (I'm not know for being patient in stealth segments, haha). I could not leave the first level, though, was it because I didn't kill everyone on the floor?


Neither this or the prototype version work on mac. No big deal if it can't work for mac though, i'm patient for whatever is next.


This update made it much more enjoyable. Love the fast forward mechanic! adds to the serial killer vibe, standing in one place for a long time stalking your victim. But the sensitivity is insane, making it rather difficult to stay on my target. Maybe add a sensitivity adjuster?


More challenging than the first build. I like it. I can see through the map here and there but no glitches found so far. No youtube yet I assume?


Hello, the button where it says "NEW VERSION AVAILABLE! DISMISS UPDATE NOW" When I press update now nothing happens. Please help, thanks.


Where is the downloaded version located?