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I hope you like the teaser so far. I have some updates coming soon. I'm aiming to have 0.2 out early next week or sooner.


I should be releasing an update of the teaser today. I want to adjust some of the music and sound effects plus other minor changes


  • Access to most of the house
  • AI & Stealth
  • Sound meter (you have to stay as quiet as possible)
  • Possibly an inventory system to carry a few items at a time
  • Light switches
  • More puzzles
  • Traps in the house



Enjoying the game thus far really creepy. Where to find hints on the toolbox code?


just finished it and it's sooooooo creepy .... especially when the lights flickering and sounds starting :O :O PS: i spend 20 minutes try to get out of the cage


Hints for getting out of the cage? Lol


Just found the exit, look around the back of the cage, in the corners ;)


i don't say never found how to get out .... lol i found it but take 20 minutes to found that lol :D


found some numbers on a note but its not the right combination dspite being the only numbers ive found ive never been good with puzzles lol


I wasn't putting it in correctly


if see close to the lock there's a red line i guess you put it in the frond put the numbers in the red line ;)