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The game took a bit of a different direction in the last 2 days. Here are some things I'm working on

New puzzles: I have a bunch of these done. I know I keep showing the screwdriver one but I don't want to spoil anything. Designing everything in a test room for now because I haven't starting building much of the environment yet.

Short draw distance: I also finally figured out how to fade out the max draw distance with black fog. You can see it briefly in the video. This is totally essential for that psx look.

A flashlight hack: I've settled on using psx style affine texture shaders for this but they don't working right with unity spotlights. This has always prevented me from using them in the past but I came up with a hack. 

The flashlight cookie exists on a ui canvas and artificially darkens anything outside the middle beam. I'd have to make the ui more transparent if you enter a lit room. I haven't tackled lit rooms yet or made the actual flashlight item, but I'm optimistic it'll actually work. I just need to figure out a workaround for a third person one.  I have one idea in mind using render textures.

I'm considering an inventory system so you can hold a few items. Maybe 3. I'll have to see. It was originally going to be one item at a time, but an inventory might be better.

New killer: the story has taken a bit of a new turn from a MCM sequel, so I think a new killer is in order. It still follows the structure of Granny (limited days to escape) but with a bit of a twist and a pretty cool backstory and explanation for whats going on. 

Alpha 1 will be out later this month on the 30th.


Unity 2017 2018 04 21 23 59 50 17



This looks way sick man. I’m digging the new killer! Concept is on point as well.


Nice physics!


This is looking so good!!


Can definitely feel the Granny style vibe for this. As someone who's played Granny, I can't wait to see your take on it.