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Going to finally finish BSBH this month! I have about 10 more obstacle rooms to design, as well as the rest of the boss battles and hopefully a few more puzzles as well as other areas to explore.

I want to wrap it up as soon as possible so I can move onto finishing the other games. I think Pitchfork Massacre will be next. I had a decent amount done when I left off. The puzzles and levels were laid out and it was just a matter of polishing, decorating, and putting all the pieces back together. Ideally I can have it wrapped up within the next 2 months and then move onto Power Drill Massacre.

Planet of Bloodthirsty Santa is still coming out in November and I'd like to wrap up Nightripper in between all of those. It's going to be a busy rest of the year.




<a href="https://goo.gl/xzxPqC" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://goo.gl/xzxPqC</a>


Oh hey, memes aside, could we possibly get a bundle of some high-res VHS art you use by chance? My phone is itching for some new Puppet Combo Wallpapers :) if not it's okay!


Nice! Can’t wait to get my hands on the full version. The next bit is trivial but the live chat in BSBH needs more new text. I often see a fair amount of the chat repeating. Again, I know it’s trivial just thought I’d say something 😂


can you make it so we can turn using the arrow keys instead of just the mouse?


That's true. I haven't added new content to the chat since 2.0. The final version chat will actually changed based on whats going on in the game. It'll be one of the last things I do once I have the order of rooms and events planned out.


Looking forward to it. I love this game so much!