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BSBH 2.2.1 is up with some more fixes, improvements and options

The content option will censor the porn. It's set to Rated-X by default

The video mode gives a second PSX setting that looks much cleaner. This is also important for streaming because video compression handles noise terribly.

Plus other improvements such as a skippable intro. 

Download: https://www.patreon.com/posts/bsbh-version-2-0-17282796

Now that the 2.x series to totally wrapped up I'm onto more level and puzzle design to get this finished up as soon as possible and move onto Pitchfork and Power Drill Massacre.

Pitchfork Massacre is the spiritual successor to Babysitter Bloodbath and features similar survival horror style gameplay




Man you have been on it with the updates and new content! It’s really awesome how conscientious and considerate you are with all peoples play preferences and/or technical needs! So excited to see where this game ends up going. Totally loving all the themes and aesthetics mashing up so far.


Thanks for noticing! Last month was rough but things are back on track now. I plan on keeping up the pace and getting this wrapped up


Great job on BSBH, it truly feeds into a unique blend of aesthetics that most devs shy away from, but is a totally worthwhile exploration. Also, it's weird, I've always considered PDM to be a complete experience (albeit a very nihilist one) and never thought of it as a demo, really. Curious to see what can be added to it.


Thanks! The main point of the full version has mostly been to make improvements to the controls and camera and fix bugs. But while I'm doing that, I'd also like to expand the game with more content and gameplay. More puzzle solving rather than just finding keys randomly. And new areas.


Right after I finally made a censored playthrough with after effects this comes out lol. Nevertheless, thanks so much for adding that feature!


I was just thinking about the Christmas date passing on ‘Planet of the Bloodthirsty Santa’ and I had a thought that maybe you could take advantage of a July date to make up for it. You know because, Christmas in July 😂 Anyway, just speaking out loud 😂


Damn, sorry I was too late. This should be the final version of 2.X series, unless I need to fix any bugs


I did consider that, but ultimately I think it's best to put it off until November. But I'll still have a steady stream of stuff coming out until then


It's all good, no worries :). I love the vanilla option btw, it's not overly-censored and it still brings that unsettling feeling when you look at them.