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I should have this wrapped up by tomorrow. I actually skipped a lot of the decorating I had planned and have been focusing on key features. I'm not totally sure how many of these rooms will make it to the final version and what order they'll be in, so I want to hold off on making things look pretty, and instead work on new rooms and string the whole thing together later.

I've added a few new things and fixes. The occlusion system is now in place, loading and unloading rooms as you progress (which should vastly improve the performance)

I'm still working on the music and experimenting with different styles. Still not totally sure where I want to take it. I've been trying out some rave music, which sort of goes with the snuff vibe, but it doesn't really match pace of the gameplay. I'm going to work on it more tomorrow.

The next few batch of demos will be straight up gameplay: new traps, boss fights, stealth sections, puzzles. Rather than worry about super polishing something, I want to focus on raw level design


Unity 2018 03 15 23 08 51 35



That music is totally kickass! Although I’m curious, what on earth does that woman have in her mouth...?