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Wanted to lay out some of my new plans for the game

Progression - aiming for 5 sections

  • girls room (the recent sections I've been showing)
  • the garden (hedgemazes and more)
  • the shed
  • ??? (spoilers)
  • ???

Expecting each section to have around 10 rooms to get past. 

Gameplay - The traps are still the main focus, but I'd like to include some new puzzle elements as well. The killer will be able to spawn almost anywhere and each section will probably end with a boss fight. Well, not always a fight necessary but a room that includes the killer (such as the last room in the alpha)

For combat, you'll be able to use a chainsaw or a nailgun depending on the fight. Avoiding the traps will probably be the main challenge. Thinking something sort of running man like.

I'm on the fence about this, but I'm leaning towards the killer having a health meter. He'll retreat after taking enough damage. Besides the boss fights, he may spawn to chase you through the obstacles.


Each section will autosave so you can continue without starting from the beginning

(work in progress cover art by Markus Bülow)

Working on the demo for this week. At least section 1, possible 2 as well.




Awesome stuff! Plus I love the design and the “cover” art!!


I still have a fondness for the last cover art you had but this one looks awesome too! I like the Running Man-esque idea as well. You are doing God-er I mean the Devil's work. Keep it up.
