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I really screwed up with Buzz-saw Blood House this month. It got tied up in development hell. Honestly, it should have taken two weeks at most to wrap everything up and things were going pretty good: the chatroom, the intro, the new menus were all nice additions. But then I went off the rails thinking the game needed new puzzles, more killers, survival horror sections and it turned into a complete mess. It's one of those situations where I envisioned an awesome game in my head but when it came time to actually nailing down the details, I couldn't figure out how to tie everything together.


So the solution is to stick with the original design: focus on platforming, avoiding the traps, with the killer thrown in to chase you through the game. Plus all the story documents and cutscenes I still need to add. It's a pretty simple game, probably not super scary, but I at least want it to remain consistent and not morph into something totally different. 

However in the meantime, I've been working on a Santa killer, scifi holiday horror game for this month. It's definitely more of a traditional survival horror game, with some heavy atmosphere. The first demo will be out tomorrow, with the rest of the game following shortly afterwards. Don't want to give away too many spoilers for this one yet




Santa's come to slay!


Buzz Saw Blood House is one of the creepiest ideas i've ever heard. I was freaking out last night trying to imagine what would be the least painful way to kill myself if I got stuffed into that situation