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Please don't share Texas Butcher on youtube because I'm hoping for a big reveal next year

DOWNLOAD: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4TejnNQyzPYY29JQU5SWGp1ZGc/view?usp=sharing 

674 MB

Best Played at 16:9 aspect ratio. 1280x720 is good

  • WASD - Move
  • Q, E - Corner Look
  • F5 - Reset 
  • ESC - Exit the game
  • Enter - Get in the truck
  • C (on foot) - Crouch
  • C (in Truck) - Change Camera
  • Left Mouse - Stab
  • Right Mouse - Swing Knife
  • R - Fast Forward
  • Middle Mouse - Change Camera
  • L (in Truck) - Lights
  • V - Change Weapon (speargun isn't working yet)


OLDER VERSIONS - Texas butcher has gone through multiple iterations. Some of the older ones are below. I highly recommend starting with the above build first



SPOILERS in the video. You may want to go in blind.

This was the main demo back in 2015 and shows off a significant portion of the game. However, the mechanics are a lot stiffer than the above version. Try this if you want to see the storyline. There is a save system built in, just select Continue with you load a new game

Download (418 MB): 



Drag and drop the folder '15-12-19' from the 'Larry the Butcher' zip file into another folder. 

Click on '15-12-19 build.exe' to start the game 

Few few warnings 

If the game crashes, select Load on the main menu. This will load you to the level it crashed on and you can pick up where you left off.

Theres a glitch in the game engine. Do not change the quality settings during the game, or everything gets screwed up.

There is also a bug with the current version of unity. If you play the game in full screen mode, the UI (menus and subtitles) doesn't scale correctly to any resolution besides 1920x1080. So I recommend windowed mode.

For graphics configuration, I recommend

Screen resolution: 1600 x 900

Graphics quality: Good


Download link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B4TejnNQyzPYalU5bkIxeWtCVVU (480 MBs)

This video https://youtu.be/xw4o2ZuP5M4 is a walkthrough in case you get stuck.

This is a demo of the game in between the 2015 and 2017 versions (sorry if the history is confusing) with a few differences

  • There's a speargun now
  • You don't lose if somebody sees you, only if 3 people escape through the desert.
  • Larry can whistle to lure people

So this version is a bit more forgiving. See if you can eliminate everybody without getting caught 




game keeps crashing for me after unity screen


At first I thought it was too difficult and nearly gave up. But once I figured out the prey's action mode I just fell in love with this game!! ( Especially the first-person camera and the breathing sound which both made me feel like a real killer)


Maybe make it a little more forgiving, for example, slightly increase the time between being found and losing the game, should make the players learn the ropes more quickly.


is there a mac version yet?


Is this a full game? I've collected a few limbs now and I was wondering if the game actually has a ending.


Also your walkthrough vid is a 404 screen and idk how I kill the campers in the middle


Do you mind if I make a video on this demo?


It keeps crashing every time I try too play it. When it finishes, 'Made With Unity,' it crashed. Any idea on how to fix?


That's odd. It's been fine on my end and tested by a few different people. Can you message me your specs?


I don't know what the specs are but it's about 7 years old. Currently at parents house trying to play. Don't have a computer at the moment.


But it it's good more then enough memory. Alas don't trouble yourself. Probably the computer


Very strange, it could be a driver issue with your video card. I'm curious, does MCM run on it? Feel free to message or email me if you're on another computer and need the download link again. I'll also send you a different version to try. Hopefully that one will run


Glad I saw your post in time! I have really wanted to play your new stuff for awhile now, but never had the means to. But now I have a chance, and am so ready! (^__^)


I hope that in the future can get a better computer. :/


Hello Puppet Combo, does this demo have an actual ending? Also awesome game I can't wait for the full release, and damn that was really hard! lol


You have to run off the edge of the map and fall into the abyss until the application crashes XD


Oh well then I win! lol After I completed the two houses of course :P The dog scared the crap outta me btw -__-


This is awesome, wish it would get finished :P !!!