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Backed up the files, updated Unity and assets (game runs smoother now), so now I'm putting together a list of what remains

Character Controller update

MCM uses an older version of my controller. Have to import the code from other projects and get everything set up.

  • Camera fix - transparency, corner look, first person
  • Animation - first person. Strafe and stuff
  • Ik - push open doors. Aim weapons, head look improvements
  • footsteps on different surfaces


  • switch camera filters
  • controller options - sensitivity, invert, etc
  • game quality options


  • Creaking doors when opening
  • Set up death scene again

Puzzles / items

  • Set up items prefabs - Not sure where I left 
  • New documents


  • Import cutscene setup from other projects
  • Lipsync and voice overs? Not sure
  • Need to set up a car
  • Possibly animations. Trying to keep them minimal


  • Going to try to stick with how it was before but I may need to edit and refresh some code


  • Not sure where I left off either. Gonna need to change / improve a few things I'm sure. Especially in terms of making the game scarier. The killer needs to be smarter than version 1

Sounds / Music / Scares

Going to group this all together since the sound and the coding is usually tied pretty closely together. I have some ideas in mind for scary stuff

So there is a lot to do. I have almost all of the code I need written in other projects, but setting everything up and making it all work together is always the grueling part.

It seems impossible to finish this month, but I have something else in mind for the June demo. I don't think you'll be disappointed at all



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