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Thanks a lot for your pre-orders! So how I'll basically be handling them:

Pre-order goes towards one full game plus any shorter games I make in the mean time. Power Drill Massacre (full version) and Meat Cleaver Mutilator are shorter games, while something like Texas Butcher is a full length.

When I release a game I'll email you guys keys for whatever platform it's released on that I can send keys for. Itch.io is guaranteed. Hopefully steam, psn, xbox live, assuming my games aren't banned.

If anything changes with your email just send a message to ben [at] puppetcombo.com with your old email address and your new one, and I'll update my list

Let me know if you have any questions or concerns. I'll make sure you guys get the games on whatever platforms I'm able to release them on

Thanks again!



i signed up for the 10$ one but i didnt get accees to your older games in your creator libary.?


stay out of the house and nightripper and your posts wont show either