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This series is just something else man, you never know what’s actually gonna happen in the next with regards to story or just sheer craziness 😂 the group are such a contrast to each other it goes so well hahahaah, tho I hate the twins! 👀 Joel you’re all enjoying it as much as me! 🙌🏼


HTTYD: Race to the Edge


Rhetorical Thrill

I'm pretty sure the whole "map/villain" thing is a framing device - it's used as a setup for the start and it won't really be important again until the end. This is old-school tv stuff, character development and world building. I actually appreciate that the show makes it a point to stick with continuity and has actual ties to the movies as well. Stoick has this dragon in the second movie and it's pretty cool they explained where it came from here. Usually spin-off shows are kind of removed from the movies and don't have any permanent connection. I'm sad to hear you've been feeling so bad for so long, but since they've found the cause I hope that means they can fix it now 💜