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Hi everyone! Sorry i was out this past week or so.

Me and Scarlet went to the hospital to have her Baby this weekend, and so far things are well! But we had to go trough surgery, her recovery is going wekk and the baby is also fine! But the doctors decided to keep her in the hospital for a few extra days, so that is why it is taking me so long so update you people!

Having a kid was very difficult for both of us to handlle, and i had to spend a lot of time off work.

I am getting ready to do a major clean-up on Patreon this month, so stay tuned! If you need anything let me know in the messages on Discord or Patreon for more info on you order!



Congrats, Nauth! Here's wishing you well! Take all the time you need.

Hero Lumanite

Eh, I hope for the best for all of you guys!