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Cause I feel like I haven't done this in a long time, time for another poll suggestion

suggest me a character (you can attach a scenario too) write it in my dm's or in the comments here

The deadline for submission is 7 days, the poll will be on for another 7 days,

because I feel like this is a long process, TOP 2 WILL WIN and get a sketch, length depending on the potential of them

another notif: deadline coming soon, give ppl more choices if you wanna submit a character



Erza Scarlett eaten fairy tails girls cause they destroyed her cake.


Boa Hancock eaten Nami Robin Vivi And Raju cause she want luffy for herself


Hmmmm…… gona have to think on this one ❤️

Matthew Watson

I could definitely do with another yandere. Something where the pred is wanting to make the prey a part of her, so they'll always be together. I really can't decide on which character though


Kallen or C.C from Code Geauss, Eating and disposing of Revy from Black lagoon

Matthew Watson

Revy I always imagined as a pred, but that situation sounds great too