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r5.25 Preview Build 3 post: https://www.patreon.com/posts/43263567

PATCH 1 has been applied to downloads AND Steam on 31.10.2020:

  • Bosun voice has been fixed (was using female voice instead of male voice by mistake)
  • Penis detail textures have been fixed (was not applied correctly)
  • Trans males  (prey) now properly have male voices (both trans male and trans female will eventually have options menu option to toggle which voices to default to)
  • Ambient audio (mainly from ship) should no longer carry over to your adventures

Check your account Collections for download links (it's the same one, basically, just updated), and if you use the ItchIo app (https://itch.io/app) it should automatically update for you!



Honestly there has been so many furry games that eventually became abandon ware or only focused on yiff, Hunt & Snare seems to be only one that has come quite far, congrats and goodjob bois :>