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Currently every character (except Kess the rumor monger!) are long written characters (3k to 12k words, like Kess!) with a full act attached to them (except Kess...), which brings in the target of this POLL. Should we have minor NPCs too (similar to Kess) who you can chat with, but won't necessarily have a reward in the end of the conversation tree?

Those minor NPCs would expand the lore, give more life to the world, and the favorites we could vote on whether or not they would be expanded to fuller encounters later on ^^

(not binding, primarily poking around to see what people think)



Why not just initiate sex with certain NPC's whenever? Like once in a while find a (NPC with your preferences) with the command *push over the table* or *Slap the wall and lean in* to show them the good time they didn't know they wanted without needing dialog?


just a thought some npc's we have to work to be able to sex? like do certain things


I'd agree with Beakie. Having certain scenes locked behind quests or dialogue and persuasion is good, but being able to talk to some NPCs, such as brothel workers, dock workers if female, a ship captain you want something from, a drunk in a tavern, etc, and make use of the modular position system you already have would be awesome.


That is indeed an excellent idea. Those would probably fall into the "flavor" category though, as they're more in style of simple sexables ^^


The game would look boring if all NPCs are only there to bang them in the end. A few non-sexable ones are fine. <3

BossMajor 345

Yes that sounds awesome


Flavor NPC’s are nice! Especially if they carry additional quests with them :D


More lore is better. I like to get immersed in my games, even the lewd ones

brendan kendall

the only thing i will say on this is open the world and make it its own world, fill it with live instead of just a sex fueled world....... still lewds plenty of stuff


Omg! Please add female and male bunnies, preferably female, I has a HUGE thing for them, I have bought early access and believe they would make a great addition to the game sexed and non-sexed NPC's especially in a forrest location and since they are forrest critters! :D


Maybe have a cheat that allows you to have sex with all the NPC's in case that "one" NPC happens to be your huge fancy? Just a thought though for like, any possible cheat codes and such. Lol


Honestly, this game is alright, I picked it up today; the Public Beta, because I'm too poor for the patreon one, and I'm having fun exploring, not sure how much I'm missing out on though; the public beta is so quiet... Can't let my boyfriend know I play this though, tell nobody, or papa jeff will nerf you.


can we get a meerkat my brothers are always ignored :(