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Hello there, luvies! <3

I wanted to write a small update on the progress of the next build as it is taking longer than initially intended. A little background; The core features of the upcoming build is Conversation System and a transition away from the "demo island" (into a better optimized, prettier, and more expandable Skiia).

Originally the idea was to make a small Conversation build that had old Island Demo with a test NPC of just a few lines of text (and with sex scene behind a medieval dumpster alley in honor of Shades of Elysium, hah! Say Hi to Khralzar (https://www.patreon.com/Khralzar) from me if you check out their project. It is pretty as heck <3), and then the build kinda expanded to replace the old demo island too because I started thinking "Why cram more temp stuff in, when you can be late from the planned build release and make everything even cooler?"... and I have now written 3448 words of text over 349 lines for the first NPC you'll meet in the game. A bit more than the "few lines" I meant to write x)

(Yes, he is still nude x))

The first version of new Skiia (the new island, non-demo island) is not going to be quite as "big" (literally bigger, content wise smaller in the start) as the old demo island was, but we're planning on expanding it with a faster cycle than in the past few months. 

The idea is to have either one medium character (around the detail level as the first character that'll be in the upcoming build), OR a small pile of small characters (few dozen of lines) per build, OR progress on any of the upcoming major characters (but I think major characters will be added on a later date, once we know what kind of conversations work the best). 

Also we will expand the Skiia with new locations either inside the city OR outside the city. That's what Hareress and I will be mostly working on ^^

Drathek and Nullbunny are going to do a code refactor after this build, that means rewriting and cleaning up the project code, improving some systems along the way (like spawning system is currently not optimal, AI is pretty simplistic, etc), and once the refactoring is done, they'll focus more on new features towards release 5 (like inventory system, looting, and actual prey processing) ^^

As for the next Patreon build, we're aiming for the end of the next week. It's mostly just finishing up and polishing things up, there's nothing major missing anymore, and if nothing odd comes up, I don't see any problems keeping the date ^^

As for our other plans; We had some advertisements up on FurAffinity, E621, and F-list, and the results were very good. Of course as is the case with ads, the effectiveness diminishes fairly quickly. We're planning on having another pass at advertisements soon, the last one was themed pretty "kissy", and the next advertisement pass will be more focused on hunting. The r4.17 or r4.18 will be released for public little after the upcoming Patreon build r4.19 is out (the one with new island and conversations). Sometime later, probably closer to summer, we'll probably run our third ad campaign which will be more focused on characters.

(Nearly there, some water artifacts still remain (with the stretching at the bottom half of the screen)

While probably not very exciting as such, the growth from the ads earlier helped the project immensely as I can now pay more hours to Drathek (and hire Nullbunny for extra work), and assuming the next set of ads work out, I'm hoping to expand the team a bit to include a level designer and commission a huge bunch of sound work, music, and art for Hunt and Snare ^^

Hunt and Snare has been on Patreon for nearly an year now, just 3.5 weeks to go and we'll hit one year mark. 28th of March, last year, was the launch date of the project's Patreon page. Two days before my birthday x) 

I am very grateful for the support you all have given to us, it is you, who enable us to do this.

Thank you very much <3





Exciting stuff! Thanks for the update.

Malice Martyrwolf

I'm really excited about this new update. I absolutely love the way this game has progressed so far.


Wait....is that shlong physics I see? Nice goin', dude!


Also, a curiosity of mine along with real-time physics, have you tested the cum-shot physics for both the male and females yet? If so, I'm curious to see how you would implement it, if you haven't already. Like on the Discord or something. Like how organic, fluid and "flexible" the animations would be.