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Hello there, ladies and gentlemen!

First a foremost: Nothing is lost. I repeat, literally nothing is lost, the only thing that is currently of a negative tone is that the next build will be a bit late (possibly mid next month, I’ll do my best to meet it earlier though!)

So what has happened this weekend?

My computer broke up on Friday, I think the issue is within the motherboard and computer doesn’t even get up to bios anymore. PSU works wonders, but even a raw start up with motherboard alone does nothing except start up the PSU. I’ve had a lot of warning signs before, but there wasn’t much I could do as I couldn’t afford purchasing new parts. 

However, I’ve now ordered a brand new computer (parts of course, I’ll just build a fresh machine out of them) and expected delivery is tomorrow (or the day after, knowing how post deliveries work here). So I should be up to speed well before the end of the week ^^

And as the HDs are fine, there’s nothing lost, not even few minutes of work. We use source control very extensively (Git for everyday use, and additional backups to Glacier here and there), so even if the HDs were ruined, it wouldn’t have resulted in any significant amount of work lost. I learned importance of source control a decade ago x)

The second topic is that Ferred has decided to move along. It was kinda expected, so I’m not shocked and it didn’t come out of the blue to me, but I wanted to “officially” announce it too. Ferred started their own project and felt like they needed a breath of fresh air, a permanent breath I guess. It’s not an end of the world for me nor the project, I am well capable of doing all the programming in the game, and in fact first builds were 100% solo work by me. Ferred initially joined in to ease my burden, and their time with the Hunt and Snare was very beneficial for me and the project. Of course I would have preferred them to stay, but show must go on, as the cliche saying goes ^^

How does this affect current plans?

The next build will definitely be late, not necessarily because of the Ferred’s departure from the project, but because my computer is currently not in use, and me and Hareress share computers at the moment and that pretty much slows both down. I’ll have a better idea by the first end of the week report (I’ll aim for friday, but it might take until saturday) ^^

That’s all for now! If you have any questions or worries, don’t be afraid to voice them ^^

Also remember to answer to the survey while we’re at it! https://www.patreon.com/posts/hunt-and-snare-13180790 (Note, I definitely do accept smaller survey replies too. Every bit is welcome! ^^)

Warm wishes,



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