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Hello and welcome to the second Gaze. We've almost switched to June by now, infact some countries are already on the first day of June, but we are still lagging behind by few hours! Weather in Finland has finally switched to "it is raining constantly, is this summer?" -stage. I know Germany is currently boiling, but we only got rid of snow a few weeks ago. It's not long until we enter the boiling stage too, sadly. I'm not a huge fan of summer, but I know a lot of people love the warmth and sunlight, kudos to them! Personally I'm more of a rainy summer day, cold spring, or orange autumn kind of a dragon ^^

This month we only released two builds. The second build of this month (released 27th) was a lot bigger than normally because we had quite a few things to do that just didn't fit into the small quick format. We're planning on doing shorter build cycles in June and are almost ready for V7 (adding option to play a female and fxf animations), and R3 (sneaking) is just around the corner too!

Our plan is to expand the public build in R3 to cover the grasslands (the current area) area of Skiia. In V7 we're planning on expanding further north to area called as Maw, and in R3 to a desert area, both the Maw and desert will be only available in Patreon builds, but both builds have access to all content in the grasslands ^^

I think we are doing pretty well in terms of players. Our latest build got over 1200 downloads in the first four days and feedback has been very good, I do wish there was a little bit more so we would really know how our builds appear to people, is there enough content, what else players would like to see more, and so on. I guess a little bit critique, a few good comments, and a large amount of downloads is indicator of a good progress though. I hope! x) 

As for the Patreon, we started May with 30 patrons, and we're now at 97 patrons, so the growth is good. It's not explosive, but game development is a marathon, not a sprint, and our legs are prepared for it ^^

We commissioned more strongly featured furry head from Miziful ( https://twitter.com/miziful007 ) and I'm preparing it for the game. The plan is to replace the current heads with them, but once the new head is ready to show, we'll have a proper vote about it and on how to continue with the characters. Basically the big question is what we want to do with the old heads, either we keep them (extra work as animations don't directly work with future races that will be less human like) or ditch them (more races, sooner, because then all heads will basically work with all animations), but we can discuss those more in depth later on! Just keep in mind and get ready to vote :3

If you have any notes you want to send us personally or just don't want to say something out publicly but want it heard, you can always send me email at Rufflenecks and the google's @gmail.com in the end ^^

All the best!



Oh boy, fuck that weather in germany. Way too hot, i hate it. 20°C total would be nice but no...so sad. BTT: The current heads are....not that good. You better burn them as soon as you have the better ones.^^ I'm very excited about the new areas. A desert is always good cuz you can find water there (oasis) and that's good for some pool sex. X3


Haha! Thank you for the honest opinion xD Yeah, pools are always fun for porking :3

InterLEWD Creations

Looking forward to seeing the new furry heads. I liked the original art style, but when I played the game I felt like they could use at least a short snout or something