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It has been very enjoyable sponsoring this site over the past 4 1/2 years and it has allowed me to photograph and post tens of thousands of images of many lovely ladies. As enjoyable as it has been it has also been a tremendous amount of work. Presently, I feel that I need to streamline some of my work flow in order to be able to continue to produce new and interesting art and imagery while maintaining quality. 

As of the first of July, I will continue to post approximately one set every 3 days, but I will reduce the inclusion of some unedited files, and reduce some quantity,  striving for more quality. I will be deleting the appreciative level, and in turn I will repricing the $10 Grateful level  to $7, the thrilled level to $15, and the full view/eros level to $35.  You might not even notice a difference of what you receive on a monthly basis. 

I also intend on rewarding patrons who continuously support this site rather than appearing and disappearing over the years with bonus files and full access to all 4 1/2 years of postings. I will be moving the earliest several years of files to a separate Dropbox file for only their access.
