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Sooo, I'm here at the last minute.

What I did this month?

I worked the first 10 days of this month on the part you see at the end of this video and I partially finished it, then I'm back to the previous part (the one you see in this WIP and in the Lara WIP 2) 

and I spent my time thinking and trying/making stuff around it.

I could leave it as a "simple" loop and add some variation, but I wanted add more cameras, add more stuff, otherwise It would've been too much repetitive and boring.

So, after that, I went full berserk the last 10 days of january.

I spent about 4 days to understand the physics better, since I'm trying a new one, I hope you like the result. I'm still learning, I hope to improve in the future.

I think I really need to upgrade my rig if will be ever possible (I already upgarded my RAM few days ago, otherwise I had to make some more compromise).

I changed the aniamtion graphics a bit, still deciding what kind of style I want. I'd like to improve it as mush as I can.

It is pretty hard find the ispiration sometime, and I might lose some days thinking and reworking stuff, but I don't like make stuff just for the sake of doing something, it might be turn out something that I'm not proud of, I prefer take the time that's needed to find a good idea.

There still things to do: the scene before the cowgirl (This WIP) and the scenes after it. 

Now, the scenes after the cowgirl were supposed to be """simple""" variations, because I wanted something shorter and less time consuming compared to the Halrey one. 

Since I'm learning new stuff, I wanted focus just on that...BUUUT, a tiger never changes his stripes, so later on I decided to go a lil bit further 

and make something more...interesting I guess, and challenging for myself. 

It would delay the release date of course, since those scenes will take more time, but It will increase the quality of this animation, I'm almost sure about that.

I'm still not completely sure about it, I could change idea and finish this animation without make anything too much long/complex, but We will see 

So, that's it. I have some real life stuff to do, but I'm sure I can work on this animation during this month.

I checked the whole text, I hope that I was clear, I'm pretty tired so I apologize if you find some grammar mistakes.

I hope you like this WIP, tell me what you think about it.

Have a nice day, guys!



David isBrosif

Gah this is Sexy as heck! 🔥🔥