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More info (copypasted from tier 1):

I am late, I know! I usually release something much earlier, but I've had some problems.

This thing was supposed to be released more than a week ago, but during that day I realized that the animation was not worth it, something was missing and there were some things that were broken.

So I almost decided to delete it, but then I changed my mind.

I made a mad attempt to fix/add things in a week, worked on it almost full time trying to make it enjoyable, at least a little bit more.

Not everything was so negative, I also learned something new! This is very important to me.

There is probably still something to fix, I will fix it later.

I tried my best to release it before the end of the month because I didn't want to leave you just the image I released weeks ago, I really wanted to release something animated for you.

I hope you enjoy it! 

What's missing?

1) I didn't want to end the sex scene with just the doggy style, just 30 seconds of sex wasn't enough for me, I could have looped it for 1 minute, but I didn't like the idea so I'm going to make another pose and finish the sex part and the animation with it

2) Bonus Scene. I don't even know if I'm able to do it. I highly doubt I will make it, depending on how long the final sex scene will take. I'll do my best!

So, we're almost there! If everything goes as planned, these are the last two things I have to do.

So what do you think about this wip? I'm really interested! I tried to save it doing my best with the time I had, I hope it was worth it! 

Thanks for the support, have a nice day!



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