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Hello everyone!

How's going?

It's pretty early where I live (8am) I just finished to work and I didn't sleep yet.

As always, I'd like to show you something before the end of the month, because I don't want end this month without telling you what I did and without release something, even something little.

Here a couple of frames: download

If you want more info, read below:

What Rash Nemain did this month?

I started this month fixing the previous WIP (the last Blowjob scene I released) since It had still stuff to fix. Once I finished It (I added a new cam too), I jumped on the blowjob ending part.

When started to work on this new part, I realised that I wasn't happy with the ligthing, so I started to tweak it till I found the one I liked!

The problem was, I had to change the lighting even for the other blowjob scenes too. Copy paste the ligthing didn't work since the poses and the cameras were completely different.

So I had to match the right lighting for the previous blowjob scenes too (I'm still working on it).

I think this new lighting fits better with the other animation scenes (sex and fingering scenes).

So, right now, I'd like to keep this kind of lighting.

The blowjob ending is not too long, I mean It is just a single scene. I will think if show you once It is finished or just skip to the next scene (the intro or the sex one) and show you a new WIP!

I really wanted show you more, but most of the things are fixes and additions of previous WIPs or frames that are not ready yet.

Anyway, guys, I need to rest now.

If you have any kind of questions, feel free to ask! I'll be happy to answer!

I will never stop to thank you for your support, guys.

Have a nice day.



Looks absolutely phenomenal! Thanks for the update and have a great weekend mate :)


Waiting for this one really is such a tease but even one second is enough for me to know it will be well worth the wait. Keep up the great work and looking forward to your next update!