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Hi everyone,

I felt the need to address this since the month is almost over and I haven't given you guys an update. The last couple of weeks I have been struggling with getting myself to make cc, some might have notice I posted quite a lot of updates at the end of august both on patreon and twitter but then went silent. When I started creating my new cc pack I had lots of inspiration and it didn't take me long to finish almost all the models I showed you. I was feeling happy when making the items and couldn't wait to share them with you guys but that didn't last. Starting september I really struggled to even open my maya scene. I thought I might just be tired from my work week and needed that weekend to rest but more weekends like that occurred where I almost got nothing done. I just felt unmotivated and tired. I'm very sorry to those who have been so patiently waiting on this set and I'm very grateful for all your support. I will release the items that are already finished but some items will be added later on. Next month I'm taking a long awaited holiday to hopefully get out of this mental state and start fresh in November. Again I'm very grateful for your support and appreciation that you give my work! I'm hoping to start creating again soon and being able to share it again with you.

Thank you!

My cup of CC



건강이 더 먼저라고 생각해요~ 기운내세요!


be kind to yourself and take it one day at a time <3 appreciate everything you do, we will be here :)