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Hi everyone,

here is the third part of the colourtalk series! The dining set comes with 10 new objects, including a new bar and highchair! (Fear not the bar will be facing the wrong way but just turn it around when placing it!) 

Hope you like it and let me know if you have any issues or feedback!

Merged: http://www.simfileshare.net/download/2608486/

Unmerged: http://www.simfileshare.net/download/2608487/






Is there a specific phrase or word I can search in buy mode to find your items/the sets? I've tried MyCupOfCC and ColourTalk variations but it only comes up with a few items?


The colourtalk sets should all have colourtalk in front of them but I think I forgot the couches in the first pack. I can adapt those if it's an issue. 😅 Let me know if there are others you can't find!


I think it's missing from a few things, but that's okay! No need to redo anything, I can still find them on their own :) just thought I'd check!