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A lot of thinking, testing, counting and talking. After all of that I finally decided to do some changes to my commissions after so long.

What are these changes?

1. New Prices

  • I making Color Sketches official again.
  • Prices are now higher. Why? Well - many people have told me that I should appreciate my work a bit more and that my prices are just a bit too low(one people even laughed cause they were so low lol). I know I should appreciate me and my work a bit more. And that is what I'm trying to do. 
  • That also means that I might start taking more time doing the commissions. I'm known for my fast working but I guess I should work just a bit slower. NOT TOO MUCH - but a little bit. I want you guys to get the best I can do!
  • Even if the prices are up - I lowered the extra character price on B/W Sketches from $10 to $5.

2. New Forms

  • Almost a year ago I asked people to fill this "Copy paste-form" I have in my DeviantArt sta.sh. So far it have been working ok(even though some people still won't fill it even if I ask them to. So now - I'm REMOVING THAT and changing it to these online forms!
  • Now you only need to click a link that takes you to the form - you fill it up and click "Submit". After that I will contact you(if needed) and make sure everything is ok before I send the invoice by Paypal.
  • There is 4 different forms: Normal Commission -, Reference sheet commission -, Patron Upgrade Commission -and Patron Request -form.
  • I have links to all of them and I'm sharing them on my commission sheets, -info and on my journals/profiles. And if you have problems finding them. You are free to note me!

Well - that's all the changes! If you have any questions leave a comment below! Thank you!



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