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Hi guys! Yeah like the title says - many things might get now delayed to next month (November).


Well - 'cause we found a new apartment from 200 m away from us(lol). So we are going to be moving there! I'll be recording some clips from the whole move and maybe do a video about it.

The thing is that right now - I'm not sure if we have to move in next few weeks (So we don't need to pay the next month rent for the old house - which would be so much better). BUT if our "landlord" says, "NO! You need to stay one more month and pay one more rent!" Then yeah... things might get really bad in the money side.

THAT would mean that we need to pay over 500€ for the old apartment rent... AND pay the key money" for the new apartment... over 500€ for that too! So we need to spent over 1000€ Next month if things go badly! Plus we need to get me a new work table - 'cause the one I'm working on right now is the landlord's and even if he allows us to keep it... I don't want it! It' too small! So we need to buy me a new one. Yay...

So what will be delayed?

  • My last part of the Forsaken Gameplay video will be uploaded later than I was planning.
  • I have commissions on my list which I might not be able to finish right away.
  • I still have 2 more patrons who might be waiting for their request pics. I'll try my best to finish them before this month ends.

The only thing I MIGHT be able to do is upload the new speed draw video about the YCH #3 Halloween Trick Or Treat pic I made - before October ends.

*deep sigh* Well - let us pray that things will go well for us~ 'Cause I'm really scared...



I hope things work out for you Tatara!


Yikes!! That sounds though :( I hope your landlord doesn't put you in a financial situation like that... You said you found your new place from 200m away? Like you just looked out the window and saw it across the street?


I really hope that too~ my groom's brother told that there was a apartment on rent. We went there and loved it. And yes - I can see it right out of our window right now.


Do please keep us informed about any upcoming details in regards to the move and issues with it, deary. Am sure that you'll manage, and if it gets tight, am sure people can pool together some help >.


I will~ Thank you! You all have been so supportive and I'm really thankful for that! <3