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Here is the story of Tamile's past:

They live in a peaceful land called Lal Nuggog. Tamile is the daughter of the king, Mauhal Balagad the Third. And she have uncle, the hight comander of the half-orc army, Crudar. Her mother have been dead for years. They lived a peacful life untill one day when Tamile was 15 - Gnabadug, the kinf of the orcs comes and threats to take the lands by force if the king Mauhul won’t give her daughters hand in marriage. The king refuses. Gnabadug gets angry but is willing to leave. Right before he leaves he says “I will wait so you will still have time to accept my offer but Know this...this isn’t over! ”

Tamile's father tries to keep her safe by keeping hher inside the palace. In five years Tamile keeps running out to have some fun.

After 5 years - one night she runs out again to a local tavern to meet up her old friends (Victoria included). But then the war horn blows. The orc king is back!

The kingdom is in panic and the army is getting ready to defend the land. Tamile runs back to palace. Her father and uncle are preparing horses. The king sents his brother and daughter away. "You an't stay here. You need to survive Tamile" "Tamile tries to say that it doesn't have to be this way. If she just accepts the proposal - the maybe..." "No! I won't allow you to get stuck with that evil king" And then the two leaves with the horses.

(The kingdom falls to Gnubagad. He owns the kingdom now)

Tamile and her uncle spents months training together and then uncle leaves(he is trying to see if he can take the lands back etc. he is still alive)

In this point we get to the campaign we are now doing with the guys.

Tamile is starting now starting to think that she will never be good enough to be a queen. She is thinking to go back home and see if she can still accept Gnabadug’s offer of marriage. She wants to stop all the blood shedding.

------- (What I've been thinking that will happen next in the story)

Maybe, Tamile disappears in some point and leaves a message or something.

If others are deciding to go after her. When they closer to the kingdom...they are almost captured by Gabadugs people but then Crudar shows up to help. They might win and he takes all of them to their camp where there is an army of people etc.

Guys shows the letter to him and he immediately knows what Tamile is planning to do. He is planning to go after her now and stop her.



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