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So? He’s waiting…

early access to a sketch that will be posted to twitter later this week!

I love Rhinos and always try to incorporate new species although it’s easy to get stuck in a rut of big cat, big dog, again and again. I‘ve also tried binturongs, giraffes, bird species, and reptiles. Feel free to comment any species I should try!



Raygun Draygun

I can’t remember if you’d done otters yet, but maybe them?


It'd be cool to see you draw a badger! I don't think I've seen that from you yet. And if you're looking for any reptiles to draw, gators and komodo dragons are great.


Love the suggestions! Never done a gator. I have done some otters rarely and they are a favorite. Komodo’s I’ve referenced for my mythical dragon type dudes and will have to come back to them. Thanks for the suggestions!!