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 Samantha walks down the hall of her house, listening to music to distract herself; somehow she wants to erase her recent Greek mythology classes from her head; When she sees the half-open door of her sisters' room and looks out, it seems that they are having fun with some video on the laptop. She doesn't pay much attention to him and keeps walking, but among the noise of her music she hears something about a conspiracy about diapers and trips between different worlds, Sam stops while a cold runs down her back, she retraces her steps and takes off her hearing aids as you turn them to see and hear in more detail
 It seems like Abby and Becca are watching a conspiracy video, or at least the announcer has a very "quaint" attitude, but at least the guy says all the things that she's been thinking for a while.
 About how impossible it is that a girl can't change herself
 About a girl's metabolism behaving so differently than a boy's
 The man speaks of different people who reported coming from different realities, where none of this happened, and who currently reside in psychiatric hospitals around the world, "for their safety" say the authorities
 The man keeps this serious tone of voice as if he is revealing the secrets of a reptilian conspiracy for the end of the world, but the two girls just can't take it seriously and laugh while leaving a thumb up.
 Sam backs up and walks back down the hall as he remembers the boy from school the other day, the one who was embarrassed during practice on the court. Remember the time this boy had to help with the diaper change at the end of class. He looked too nervous during all the changes, in fact during the first change it seemed that he did not know what he was doing, and it is assumed that boys his age already know how to change diapers and help with housework
 In the end she decides to take a risk and try to talk to him to find out more, although deep down Sam can't stop thinking about how uncomfortable everything will be if this turns out to be true, then he will be talking to a boy his age and from his world that recently, he has seen and cleaned his private parts, and changed his diapers ... What a shame




Love a good conspiracy


conspiracies, hot coffee and a fireplace are the best combination there is >w<