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This is the first time that I try to make such an extensive account, I will listen to all the complaints and comments <3

Sarah's events in the morning


Sarah is surrounded by the tall, handsome boy who came into the store recently, Harold smiles cheekily as he slowly lifts up Sarah's apron, even though the shame and fear are so great, Sarah is not trying to Doing nothing to stop him, she tries to say a few words but the boy covers her mouth with one of his big hands and asks, "hey, do you need a change?"

Sarah panics, her face reddening deeply and her whole body trembles at Harold's words, while she prepares for what is about to begin, her aunt's voice wakes her up, it is not long before her classes begin in the college

The morning light filters through the window of this old apartment while Sarah; who is still fast asleep in bed; is shaken by her aunt Marna

Sarah opens her eyes with difficulty and tries to sit up, her aunt tells her that her breakfast is already prepared

"If you don't want to eat cold food then get up at once"

While rubbing her eyes, Sarah recognizes a strange sensation between her legs, she does not need to remove her sheets to know that she has just dirty her diaper with pee and poop

Sarah gets up from the bed without being interested in her aunt being present watching her, and in any case, it does not seem strange to either of them that she is wearing a diaper, and that the diaper is very dirty. Marna asks her niece if she needs help but Sarah tells her that it will not be necessary, Sarah is very grateful that her aunt lets her stay and live in this place, since there is no way to find a partner fourth, both for money and diapers, and prefers not to press as much kindness as necessary, while stretching her body Sarah vaguely remembers Harold's words in the dream recently and blushes

Sarah goes to the bathroom to take care of her mess and take a shower, she will soon take off her clothes because she only wears a shirt and her dirty diaper (she is uncomfortable sleeping with her bra on). Walking down the hall, she takes off her shirt without any care, because after all, only her and her aunt live here. Sarah stops as soon as she meets the hall mirror, sees the tiny seam marks at her waist, caused by surgery from a long time ago

Sarah remembers the time of the accident during her early childhood, she was in her parents' car driving at night on an interstate highway, when they are suddenly attacked by a group of motorcyclists who take them off the road and cause them to have a spectacular accident. After the accident while the motorcyclists fled, Sarah remembers seeing a kind of nasty red cross on the back of one of them.

Already in a new clean diaper and dressed to go to study (she brings a black jumpsuit, tennis shoes and a green shirt), Sarah gets up and goes to the dining room for breakfast, then she feels a reaction in her stomach, her aunt sees her stop and for a moment she thinks about going to talk to him but then realizes that is what is happening, Sarah is just standing there doing a little force while her newly changed diaper quickly fills up with more poop, when she finishes letting out a sigh in frustration and returns to her room while telling her aunt to give her a little more time

store events right now

During this same morning a red-haired boy walks calmly through the streets of the city, Zepth is thinking about Sarah and how beautiful he seemed when the owner introduced her, and he was happy when he asked him as the assistant general, to help him in everything that was necessary

Entering the alley to one side of the store, he sees a red cuz painted on the wall of the bar next door, sees it as typical teenage graffiti, and continues walking to his work.

As Zepth walks through the employee door, she hears murmurs coming from the monitor area

there seems to be a discussion among the rest of the staff, at first it does not pay any attention to them but after a few words he decides to listen more carefully

they have learned that the owner recently hired a "deity" as a cashier for the night shift, and many, although they are from establishments in different parts of the city, disagree

Some see this girl as potentially dangerous, others believe that such words are an exaggeration, but the rest worries that her mere presence will put them all in trouble, it is possible that some evil living people in the city, decide to hit them just for working under the same franchise

one of those who discusses; a newbie from a store across town; he recognizes him and invites him to join the discussion, he tells him that he will really like the topic

Zepth tries to speak up for Sarah but it doesn't seem like someone is listening to him, and the discussion continues to wander between different possibilities of her causing trouble.

Some believe that she really does have supernatural powers with which she could cause them terrible harm, but the rest think that it is nonsense, an elderly accountant says that they really do not have any kind of powers and that in fact it is in this lack honesty where the danger is, in the end it is a species that based all its survival on making others believe that they are gods descended from heaven to help humanity, and that this won them many enemies in the past

Others, being more "realistic", say that the real danger is that she steals something and somehow blames one of them.

One of them starts to check the security cameras and discovers the shot where Sarah appears working with the waist of her skirt, and at first everyone believes that she is going to get naked but in the end it seems that she will not, instead from this he simply places his skirt in one of the corners of the cash register along with his apron, and walks around in what appears to be somewhat bulky white shorts (the cameras in this store are particularly old).

Sarah is seen acting strangely as a customer enters the store, a tall, long-haired boy, and what they thought was a shorts begins to take on a strange tone from the back as Sarah attends the cash register from behind

One of the guys has the idea that what Sarah has around her waist are not white shorts, but diapers,

the guys laugh a lot thinking about what will happen to her if this comes to light,.

At first Zepth could not believe this nonsense and tried to stop them, until he remembered the strange aroma that he smelled the night before, and that Sarah had told him that it was trash pending removal.

The boy who invited him stops him and asks him what is happening, he really thought that this could amuse him, Zepth is not able to understand it until the boy reminds him that in the past they were both classmates in elementary school .

Zepth's face turns pale, as if he remembered something very important

Zepth recalls that in the past he had a lot of fun torturing a “Deity” a girl with long, black hair and bunny ears, but he had forgotten all this.



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